Page 82 of Whatever Happens

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“Why not? You two are so cute together,” my mother coos.

“Stay out of it, Rebecca,” my father warns.

“But look at them, Richard. It’s obvious they’re so in love with each other. Why don’t you try sweetie? One date.”

“Was this your plan?” she asks me.


“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say innocently.

Lexie wags her finger in my face. “One date, Carter Wallace. You get one date and nothing more.”

We’ll see about that.

When Lexie walks out onto the porch, and my breath hitches. She’s wearing a sinfully short jean skirt with a tight tank top and… cowboy boots. Where the fuck did she get those?

“What?” she says as she looks down, giving herself a once over.

“You look amazing.”

“Oh.” Her head snaps up. “Thank you. You look pretty good yourself, Wallace.”

“If you think calling me by my last name is going to make me want you less, you're wrong. It’s sexy as hell.” I extend my hand to her.

She sticks her tongue out at me. Whatever she thinks she’s doing, it has the opposite effect. The silly gesture does nothing but reminds me of the things she can do with that tongue. We’ll have plenty of time for that later, but for now, it’s time to be a gentleman.

We walk hand in hand down the town’s main street. There are a million different places I could have taken her tonight. After everything we’ve been through these past few weeks, I thought we both deserved to cut loose a little and have some fun. So, here we stand, looking up at the neon cactus sign of the honkey tonk.

“This okay?” I ask before we head inside.

Her smile tells me it is.

“It’s perfect,” she replies before taking my hand.

Despite my best efforts, it takes us twenty minutes to get to a table. People I barely know and some I didn’t know at all when I lived here act as though we’re best friends. I’ve never been able to tell if it’s the celebrity thing, or if they want something from me. Regardless, I have a hard time ignoring them or being rude. I don’t have it in me. Plus, at the end of the day, they’re fans, and fans are what made my career. Without them, well, my ass would be out of a job.

When we do finally get to a table, I order a couple of beers. It’s probably the best idea I’ve had in a long time because she finally seems to relax, and our playful banter returns. Before long, she’s laughing and flirting, and for the first time in what feels like forever, I feel like we’re right where we are supposed to be. Being with her, like this, is the best damn feeling I’ve ever had.

She’s looking out at the dance floor.

“You want to dance?”

“We don’t have to.”

“Any chance to get my hands on you, princess, I’m going to take it.”

Lexie takes my hand, and I lead us out to the dance floor. It’s a slow song, thank God. I have been dying to feel her against me. Removing my sling, I place both hands at her waist, and she eyes me, making sure I am actually okay with the motion. I must convince her because after a few moments, she rests her head on my chest.

God, I love the feel of her.

With her in my arms, life feels calm. Everything feels like it’s in place.

Lexie has made me happier in these past few months than I can ever recall being. There’s just something about her. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but she makes me whole, makes me better, and most importantly, she makes me want to risk everything to touch her again.

The song ends, and a more upbeat song begins to play. Time to show the girl what I got—Tush Push line dancing time. I start to move to the music, and Lexie follows suit, trying to decipher the steps. I give the girl credit when she can’t get them, she gives a shake of her ass that makes me grateful she doesn’t know the steps.

She doesn’t give up, though.
