Page 98 of Lost In You

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Just the reaction he was hoping for. He took her hand. “Ysbel’s ring is gone. Like its wearer, to a better place, I hope.” He slid Ellery’s gold band from its place on her finger, replaced it with the symbol of her new life, his new hope. “This ring is yours by right.”

She twisted it on her finger. “Why?”

He stepped back. “Why?”

A strange, waiting expression settled over her features. And, understanding, he suddenly laughed.

Ignoring the restrictive stretch of bandage, he grabbed Ellery round the waist and swung her up into his arms. Her mouth was cool and soft and moved under his with delicious invitation. He lowered his lips to her neck where her pulse beat bird-like while her breathing quickened. They were alone. It wouldn’t take anything to have her beneath him. Calling his name. A name he kept only by her courage. By her love.

Breaking away, he looked down into her dark, fathomless eyes. Drowned in them. As he hoped to do for years to come. “You want me to say it? Because I’m in love with you, you precious little fool. I’m in love with you.” He lifted his head to the sky. “I’m in love with Ellery,” he shouted. “Do you all hear?”

Her smile was as wicked as her thoughts. “Now, it’s truly over.”

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