Page 51 of Guilty as Sin

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She went behind the bushes and put the overall's on leaving them open to the waist but binding herself was harder than she thought. The cotton wouldn't stay tight enough for her to bind herself. She was fussing with it when he came up to her.

"I heard you grumbling, what's wrong?"

She turned her head and saw him staring at her. "I-I'm having trouble with this binding…" she cried.

She was naked to the waist and had turned around so all he saw was her back, but his eyes traveled it with complete abandon. He wanted to touch her, but he knew better. He fought his own demons to keep his hands still.

"Let me help you." He whispered huskily.

"Don't look, please don't you dare look." She yelped.

He sighed heavily. "Fine, I won't look. I didn't hear you screaming when the cowboy rode up."

"What's wrong with you?" she half turned to look at him. Holding her arms around her breasts. "Now that would have been silly. I did manage to run him off without a bit a trouble, though, did you notice that!"

"You are right, you did. I bet that cowboy saw more than I did?"

"If I wasn't half dressed, I'd slap that arrogant face of yours for that." She cried out.

He had to laugh. "I guess you would too. Let's get this done, Now, I'll start it back here, and you wrap it tight, and hand me the other side of it." He told her. "I can see where this would be impossible to do alone."

"This is humiliating," she cried.

"Well I'm sorry honey, but there's no other woman here to help you out. So, I'll have to do."

She made some sound in her throat.

"Lissa where did the trust go?" His tone was serious now.

"I don't know!" she wailed.

"You've got to understand, I'm not about to look, alright. We've been together day and night for nearly two weeks. If I was that kind of man don't you think I'd have already taken you?"

"Alright, I'm sorry." She nodded. "It just seems as though everyone is gawking at me lately."

"I respect you Lissa. Just because I kiss you silly doesn't mean I'm going to take you. I'm stronger than that."

She sighed heavily and nodded.

He smiled. "It also doesn't mean I don't want to, either. You are a beautiful woman. My God, there's not a blemish on your back, and you are tan too. And I'm a man, not a piece of stone. Please honor me with your trust." He asked softly.

"I'm sorry Moon. It's just… sometimes, when you kiss me… "

"You do not want to be kissed?"

"Oh no… it's not that," she turned just a little toward him. "Are we still friends?" she asked, waiting for his answer as though it meant a lot to her.

She kept asking that questions as though she thought he'd suddenly disappear from her life or something.

Moon realized she was quite insecure about many things. He wondered why.

"Of course." He answered in a husky voice.

"How long will I have to be a boy?" she asked with a sense of resignation in her voice.

"I don't know, I have no answers yet. We haven't seen any signs of your father yet. No posters, nothing. It may be too soon to worry, or too late."

"Moon?" she called over her shoulder, "Will this ever be over?"
