Page 57 of Guilty as Sin

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"I see Lissa when I look at you, not a man. I see a woman of courage."

He came up to her and held her cheeks, his thumb stroking her there. She stared into his eyes.

"I feel so ugly, even you… have changed toward me since I took on the man clothes."

"It is not the clothes, I ignore. I cannot explain it right now. But trust me." He smiled, "I have backed away from you, yes. I have tried to give you some time of your own. I know it is difficult but give it a little more time. People forget and things that seemed important are not any longer."

"We killed two people, you and me. It will always be important, if not to others, to ourselves." She sighed, she'd actually hoped he had drawn her aside to be with her, but he hadn't. He hadn't kissed her in a while, and she knew it was because she looked so much like a little man now. How could she possibly tell him how she really felt about him and being here? She was pulled in doing what she wanted or completely ruining his life by telling him how she felt.

"You're right," she finally sighed. "I should be more patient and be glad no one has spotted me. And we are in this together, I suppose. Only, they are looking for me, not you. You can still go about your life the same. And believe me, I don't want to change that either."

"One thing, if they catch you, and take you to jail or try to hang you, I'll hang right along side you. We will enter heaven together."

"Well," she chuckled, "That's a comforting thought."

"I know, and it is not fair to you. But I have a feeling that everything will work out well in time." He smiled at her now. "Let's get back."

"Moon," she turned to look at him with a tear in her eye. "If I tell this lie, how do I live with it for the rest of my life?"

He stared into her eyes, he came toward her, his hands going to her cheeks once more, as his thumb absently stroking her there, "By knowing it is best for both of us. Justice and right and wrong are sometimes twisted. Why should you hang for the man that was trying to take you back to what you feared most in life? Or I for saving you from Earl. Should I die for wanting to keep you from harm?"

"No, of course not."

"Should you, for wanting to keep me from harm?"

"No, I suppose not."

"It is a brilliant plan and possibly the only thing that will save us and give us a future."

"And the reason I'm here in these clothes?"

"You're afraid of your father and hiding from him."

"I guess it is sound reasoning."

"We should not hang for what needed doing." He told her.

She nodded. "But we'll always know, won't we?"

"Yes, sweet Lissa, we will always know, and that is our cross to bear."

"You're right. It will be."

She nodded and they walked back, hand in hand. There were no answers, their lives were intertwined but Moon had backed off now, and it was clear his feelings were not as before. Perhaps he had time to think clearly. Oddly though, her feelings hadn't changed, in fact, she was more in love with him now than ever. For the one thing he hadn't backed away from was protecting her.

She knew thei

r relationship had changed. She suddenly had no future to look forward to.

Although she was happy here, she wished Moon hadn't changed so much. She had welcomed his kisses, and now there were none. It was like she stopped being a woman in his eyes. He said it had nothing to do with her looking like a man. But it had to.

She hated being a man! Yes, it was safer, but the hurt inside her wouldn't go away. She was in love with Moon, and she dare not tell him.

Patience, is that what it would take? Be still, a small voice inside her told her. Yes, that was the answer. Be still and let God take over.

Jack was roasting something on an open spit.

"What is that?" She asked with a slight laugh.
