Page 94 of Guilty as Sin

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"Oh," Lissa cried, "They are adorable."

"Nice looking, aren't they?"

"Oh," she picked one up and held it, careful not to let him hurt her.

"Looks like Jack and I have our work cut out for us." He grinned.

One of the pups was eating Jack up and Lissa cuddled one against her cheek.

Later as they sat around the table finishing up the best roast Moon ever ate, he leaned back in the chair. "So, you haven't been in that mine, have you?"

"No, I ain't. It's all just sittin' there, Moon." Jack sounded a bit frustrated.

"It'll wait until you are better. Have you given any thought to maybe selling it?"

"Selling it! There's a fortune in that mine boy!"

"I know, but you aren't able right now and I know very little about mining. Have it assayed and selling it might be the best thing? Lissa and I don't want for things here. We are happy, and we want to keep you around for a few more decades. If you sold it, you could relax and enjoy your years Jack."

"You ain't even interested in the money, are you?"

Moon hung his head, "I'm not miner, Jack, that's reality. We could train cubs, collect more mustangs, together, I might add, there's plenty of work we could get."

Jack exhaled sharply, then shook his head, "I guess, if I'm honest, I ain't eager to get in that mine again. I just wanted to leave you and Lissa something when I go."

"This place, it is beautiful here, Jack. We love it. That would be enough for us. What I want is for you to live your life out and be happy. I don't want you slaving every day in that old mine. It's not good for your lungs."

"Who would we sell to?"

"We could talk to the banker and let him find some buyers for us. That way no one would think we cheated them the chance."

"Is that what you want?"

"Jack, it's your mine, and it's probably worth a fortune. What do you want?"

"It would be nice to sit back and enjoy life, help you train those pups and do a little Mustangin'. Even nicer if I had a couple of grandkids to train up." He grinned.

Moon glanced at Lissa now, "I think we're working pretty steady on that."

"Glad to hear it, son." Jack grinned.

Lissa blushed. "Jack, I can't promise how soon."

"As long as you two are working on it, it's fine with me." He chuckled.

So, for the next two months Moon and Jack worked tirelessly with the pups. Jack became very fond of them and loved teaching them new tricks. Lissa kept the place clean, did the cooking and her and Moon found new ways to make love in the strangest of places and at times no one would think of. They took over the bedroom and every night they made love, but sometimes during the day, he glance at her and knew he had to have her. He took her to the pond several times and they played in the water, then he take her to the banks and make love with her all afternoon sometimes. Jack never complained, he figured they were seriously working on having some children and he could find no fault with that.

He worked hard with the pups and he was doing a bit of blacksmithing for some neighbors, so he was hot, tired, and ready for his wife almost every time he had an extra moment. Lissa never tired of his dreaming up new ways to sneak away. It was like a small adventure.

When Jack went to talk to the banker, Moon had been making some horseshoes, but since Jack was gonna be gone most of the morning, he went inside to see Lissa.

She stood there, looking at him, knowing Jack was gone, she smiled softly.

Moon took his pants off and sat in the kitchen chair, without even thinking about it, she took off her dress and straddled him in the chair. He kissed her hotly, pushing her hair away so he could trail hot kissed down her neck. "Do you mind me taking you like this?" he whispered, his warm breath feathering her ear.

"I don't mind anything," she closed her eyes and let his lips wander over her breasts as he kissed them into hard little nubs. "You do to me. I love the way you invent new places to be together. It's a compliment to be wanted as much as you want me."

He chuckled softly against the curve of her neck, "There hasn't been a day I've known you that I didn't want you."
