Page 65 of Stay With Me

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"There sure has." He kissed her again, this time long and breathlessly.

He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her.

"We're not too old, you know." He winked at her..

She smiled brightly, "I guess we're not. I certainly don't feel old right now."

He took her hand, kissed it and smiled at her. "We'll have a good life together, I promise you that, sweetheart."

"I haven't been called that in a lot of years." She chuckled.

And they kissed again, then laughed when they pulled apart. "I believe we will have a good life, Charlie. We're old enough to appreciate each other."

Late that night before they all went to bed, Charlie pulled Clay out on the front porch. "Clay, I got something I want to tell you."

"Oh, what is it?"

"What would you think if I told you that Cora and I are gonna get married when the preacher comes too." He blurted.

Clay let a sly smile cross his handsome face, "Well now dad, I kind of thought there was something going on."

"I wouldn't talk if I was you, I seen how raw Willa's lips looked tonight."

"I can't hide it dad. We love each other. I want to be with her all the time now. And I'm not ashamed of saying it. We're going to be a family." He looked at his father and smiled. "I told you when the right woman came along, I wouldn't waste any time making her mine."

"I know that son, and I'm proud for you. But you didn’t answer me."

"I think it's great dad." Clay shook his hand. "And I'm happy for you."

"You ain't upset about it?"

"No, why should I be, she's a nice lady. And I love her for what she did for Willa."

"Good. Just didn't want to shock you is all. Now I got another question for you."

"What's that?"

"How would you feel about living here."

"I guess if you got married it would be fine, I'd expect you two to be together."

"No, I mean all of us together. We'd be family." Charlie told him.

"What do you want to do with our property?"

"Sell it."

"You want to do that?" Clay looked a bit shocked.

"Make a clean break of it. At least we'd all be together, and you and I can take care of the girls. You marrying Willa will cause some tempers to fly, if we are all together, we can defend this place and the girls better. I'd just feel so much better about all us living together and working together."

"What about the water rights, we don't want to give anyone all that water and they not share it, it would cause a range war."

"It'll be in the contract, for whoever buys it."

"Good idea. Alright dad, I think that is a good idea."

"Good, glad we got that settled. Now we'll be one big and very happy family. Cora has two stock ponds and a small tributary of our creek on her land, so we'll have enough water for us and what we have. With what we get for our land, we can build the cattle spread up and make a decent living here."
