Page 81 of Stay With Me

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The preacher went into a lengthy ceremony and finally he asked if they had rings. Charlie pulled out a lovely small ring for Cora. Clay pulled out his mother's wedding ring.

Both women were astonished, when had they attended to rings?

As they placed them on their fingers and repeated the vows, the preacher cleared his throat, "You may both kiss the brides."

Charlie took Cora into his arms and smiled, then kissed her tenderly on the lips.

Clay took Willa and slowly bent his head to kiss her sweet lips. The kiss lingered, and the preacher cleared his throat once more to let them know that was long enough.

After congratulating them, the preacher told them he had to get down the road to another wedding.

Willa took Elan and fed him and rocked him to sleep. She put him in his bed that Clay had made special for him and he moved into Cora's bedroom as they promised to look after him for a couple of days.

"Don't you want to eat with us?" Cora asked the preacher.

"I'd love to, but I've got a wedding in town. I thank you and wish you all a good life. Trust in the Lord, always." He told them.

They waved him bye and Cora turned to them all, "Then, let's eat."

They were halfway through the meal when Doc announced that the other wedding was for Laura.

"You're kidding, that was fast."

"Yeah, I'm a bit concerned though. Haywood gets news of it; it could be a disaster."

"He really was sweet on Laura, wasn't he?" Clay asked.

"Yeah, and his drinking has caused some real problems. He nearly killed a guy in a saloon because he made fun of him. Joe Bedford, he never liked Haywood anyway, told him he was too low down for Laura. She was a lady. Naturally Haywood didn't take to kindly to that remark."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Clay shook his head. "I can bet Haywood didn't take that too kindly."

"Haywood finds out there's gonna be a wedding he's liable to try to bust it up."

"How could anyone keep that a secret from Haywood."

"Well," the doc wiped his lips with a linen napkin. "Everyone knows about him and Laura and agreed to keep quiet about it. But you know that town as well as I do, no one keeps quiet, long."

"You're right about that." Charlie nodded.

"When are they getting married?" Clay asked.

"About three this afternoon. I'm gonna get back there in case there is some trouble. I may be needed, and I was invited to their wedding too. Although, I can't say I'll enjoy it as much as this one. Laura isn't in love, and that makes for a bad marriage."

"I'm sorry to hear that too, "Clay told him.

"Well, Cora, Willa, you two have out done yourself with this meal. Best I've had in a while."

The girls beamed. "Glad you enjoy

ed it."

They all went out on the porch for a bit and then the doc left.

The girls were about to change clothes and do the dishes, but the men had better ideas. "The dishes can wait." Charlie told Cora.

Cora blushed.

Clay took Willa into his arms and carried her to the bunkhouse.
