Page 92 of Stay With Me

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"Well we don't know if it's a he or a she. But I have a name picked out already.

"Oh yeah, what?" Clay asked folding her into his arms.

"If it's a boy, Charlie Haywood Thunder Nelson." She told him.

"That's a mouthful, but Thunder?"

"Well, I have to remind him he's part Indian somehow, don't I?" She chuckled.

Clay looked at her and laughed, "Well alright then, Charlie Haywood Thunder Nelson. I can live with that."

Elan heard them and clapped his hands.

Clay laughed, "I think he approves."

Clay picked Elan up in his arms and looked at him seriously, "So are you ready for a baby brother or sister?"

"Dada!" Elan cried

Elan clapped again and Clay and Willa laughed with him.

The End
