Page 97 of An Unescorted Lady

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"Aren't I too heavy now?"

"No," he laughed, "You feel wonderful in my arms. I'm not sure I can let you go ever again." He told her. "You don't know how much I've missed you, us."

She looked up into his handsome face, kicked his hat off his head and smiled, "After supper, and after we've talked with the boys a while on the porch. I want you to come to bed with me."

"But honey, your eight months pregnant, should we?"

"Making love won't hurt him."

"You think it's a boy?"

She smiled, and kissed his chin, "I figure I'll have to have some boys first, then a couple of girls."

He laughed and twirled her around in his arms. He sat down in the rocker with her and kissed her thoroughly. His lips melted softly with her own, and she moaned the pleasure it brought her. "I'm not sure I can wait that long to be with you."

She giggled. "Maybe you should close the door."

"Now, here?"

"Well, it is a bedroom." She chuckled.

He got to his feet, with her in his arms and locked the door, then he carried her to the bed.

"Don't be shocked when you see how big I am." She told him with a grin.

"Don't be shocked when you see how fast I take you!" he grinned.

They heard voices coming down the hall, he put his finger to her lips.

It was George and Chico, but when George tried to open the door, he made a muffled laugh, "I think maybe they are busy."

Chico laughed, "You think she's alright now?"

"I'm pretty sure of it." George told him with a laugh.

They both laughed together as Lance and Trudy shed their clothes, got under the covers and made love. Lance was very gentle with her, and he caressed her belly with kisses and hugs. He barely got a good look at her magnificent pregnant body before he kissed her into submission. She moaned when his hands went over her. He laid his head gently on her stomach, "Hey little fella. I'm gonna make love to mama, you don't mind do ya?"

He made a comical face as though he heard the answer.

"What did he say?" she giggled as his hands found her breasts and massaged them gently.

"He said go ahead, love was good for him too."

"Oh Lance, I love you so—"

"Sweetheart, we may not get any supper tonight."

"That's okay, there's always tomorrow." She grinned.

Soft moans echoed down the hallway, and love filled their house again. But now Lance knew the precious gift he'd been given, and he valued her more than his own life now. He smiled to himself as he kissed the rose tip of her breast, he had loved her the first time he set eyes upon her, and each day grew more precious with her. He could hardly wait to make her his once more, but there was no rush now, he wanted to savor every precious moment they had together, for the rest of his life.

The End
