Page 16 of Nick's Baby

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"Look." He halted beside her as they reached the bottom of the stairs. He took her shoes from her hands and gently put them on her feet, then rose up to meet her gaze. "I'm sorry for all the inconvenience, Ms. O'Sullivan. You really shouldn't have put yourself to all this trouble. My answer is still no."

"No problem."

"I think you should stick to your neck of the woods, though, from now on. Especially in that car. Thieves could strip it in five minutes."

"So why haven't they?" She glanced around, noticing a crowd of onlookers.

Nick smiled.

"Because of you?"

He nodded.

"My what clout! You must be a pretty big man here. And you can certainly put me in my place, can't you?"


"You. But I'm not accustomed to taking no for an answer. I can see where that clout might be hard to give up. But for your family's sake, I hope you reconsider. I know the man that owns most of this property, and he isn't going to sit still. You've got to get out of here, Nick."

He couldn't stop the smile. She was full of determination. Kelsey's eyes lit as she looked at him. She had pretty eyes and a pretty smile. So why did she hide behind those glasses? And what else was she hiding under all those rich clothes of hers? Would she fit him like a glove, like he fantasized she would? God, he had to quit thinking in those directions.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone, Nick. I promise I won't chase you anymore. I'll do my best not to call your mother again, although I do like her. I think we could become very good friends. This might be your last chance. It's an obtainable goal. I can help. I can offer you the chance, a real chance to get away from here, if that's what you really want."

"So you're my last chance?"

"Maybe I'm being presumptuous." She shrugged indifferently.

"Nah, you're probably right," he sighed.

"Listen, I admire principles in anyone. That's probably what attracts me to you. But there's a time to be smart. You don't have to like me, just work for me. This is only a job, Nick. At least consider it. You have to see it as a job or it would never work in the first place. I'm not after a relationship. Call me if you change your mind. Please."

She put her hand on top of his, and looked him in the eye.

"I like you Kelsey. But like I said, you got the wrong guy."

She handed him a number scribbled on the back of a credit card receipt. Their hands touched again, and he felt as though he'd been struck by lightning. She started the car and without looking back she sped away.

Nick clutched the paper in his hand, then held it up to his nose and inhaled the same sweet perfume. God, she smelled sweet, sounded sexy, and her offer was tempting. But could hot dogs and caviar ever mix


Kelsey stared out the window of her office, not really seeing anything. The same sadness that ripped her world apart months ago replayed in her mind, a sadness that must never go away. She closed her eyes, willing the mental image of the small unadorned casket to go away. The short, private service she had attended for her baby seemed only yesterday. The pain today was the same as then.

"Are you all right?" Jackson, her private secretary asked softly as he entered through the connecting doors of his own office.

She straightened and got to her feet. "Y-yes, I'm fine, Jackson."

"Are you sure you want to pursue this?" He held the Leonetti file in his hands, concern furrowing his brow.

"Yes, Jackson. I just had a melancholy moment, that's all."

She stood and managed a weak smile, "I guess seeing Ralph brought back memories. How I thought I could have loved the man is still beyond me. He hasn't changed a bit. I wonder if anyone has ever broken through that hard exterior to his heart."

"Ralph was a hard life lesson. I only hope you're not letting yourself in for more hurt with this Leonetti character. "Jackson made no effort to mask his concern for Kelsey.

She saw soft brown eyes-honest eyes—and sexy. Lord, Nick had eyes a woman could get lost in. Nothing like Ralph's cold gray eyes. Nothing like Ralph at all.

"Oh Jackson, Nick's nothing like Ralph. Besides, this isn't going to become personal. I won't let it. But Ralph and Nick are like night and day. Nick would think nothing of walking off a job to tend his family. Ralph would die first before he'd let family come between him and a deal. It's amusing when you think about it. A man like Ralph, with his Harvard education, and his social position, still can't hold a candle to a man like Nick."
