Page 62 of Nick's Baby

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Her family on one side, his on the other, a contrast. Jackson nodded his approval as she caught a glimpse of him, across the room. Dorothy stood next to him, tall and proud, a vague smile on her lips. Her mother nodded. They were all a blur except for Tina now, just ahead of her, her maid of honor, and Tony to Nick's side, his best man. Tears rolled down Kelsey's cheek.

Then she saw Nick and everything faded but him. How handsome he looked in his tux. Oh how she loved him at this moment. Her heart felt as though it had jumped into her throat.

A tiny hope flamed in her heart. Another tear fell.

The music suddenly stopped, her father let go of her arm, and Nick took her hand, his eyes ablaze.

The priest said a prayer, and then he asked them to kneel. Kelsey felt her whole body shake as she w

ent to her knees. She gulped back a loud sob, and suddenly, Nick turned to look at her.

"Wait," he shouted aloud. The congregation burst out with alarm, then quieted. Kelsey stiffened her face full of strange anticipation. Nick whispered something to the priest and he nodded. Then Nick helped Kelsey to her feet and lifted the veil.

"Oh God, you're so beautiful, even when you're scared stiff," he whispered for her ears only. "But I can't make you go through with this without telling you how very much I love you, Kel, and how much I want to marry you." He turned around, faced the crowd of people with a smile. "Everything is fine. I just want the world to know how much I love Kelsey O'Sullivan." He shouted to the congregation, and everyone clapped and shouted with joy.

Kelsey wiped the tears from her eyes and stared into Nick's smiling face, "What did you say?"

"I said, I love you more than my life. I'll do anything to make this marriage work. I can't live without you. But I forgot, in all my haste to give you the choice—will you marry me, Kelsey O'Sullivan?"

"Oh Nick," she cried, grabbing his shoulders for support, and looked lovingly into his face.

"Oh yes, yes, I'll marry you."

Then everything disappeared as Nick took her in his arms and kissed her thoroughly on the lips, and she melted into his embrace. For a moment there was nothing but the two of them.

The congregation seemed to sigh aloud.

The ceremony lasted another thirty minutes, and then the priest smiled and whispered, "You may kiss the bride—again!"

The reception took a couple of hours. Finally, they were in the backseat of a limo embraced in each other's arms, as rice spilled from their clothes and hair.

"I can't believe we've done it," she sighed happily.

"Now what about this name Flora, do you like it or not?"

"I-I hate it," she hesitated to tell him.

"So do I." He chuckled. "And before we go any further, are you advertising for any more sperm donors?"

She giggled. "I won't need to, now!"

He teased her lips, feeling himself grow warm, and ready for her, "What do you say we stop off at the garage on our way to Carmel. I've got a '57 Chevy I'd like to show you."

"I'd love to see it," she said with a smile.

"Great, we've got another reception down there, waiting for us. I told the kids about you, you know, the ones I teach karate, and they want to meet you. I've got plans to open a karate school, what do you think?"

"I think it's a great idea, and I can't wait to meet them."

"Don't worry, we'll run everyone off early."

"Why Mr. Leonetti, what do you have in mind?"

"You'd be surprised. I never told you about my foot fetish have I?" He smiled and kissed her on the nose.

"You neglected to mention that."

"Forgive me for not confessing my love sooner. But, I had to concentrate on the one thing I knew you wanted—the baby."
