Page 56 of Runaway Bride

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"How about you come to dinner here, tonight, and we'll see about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Well, I guess I am going. My grandmother is having some friends over and she'll need my help getting in and out of her wheelchair. It's nice to have met someone my own age."

Savannah laughed. "Okay, why don't you come over about seven?"

"Sounds great. See ya."

Later, when her aunt came home from her garden club meeting, she quizzed her about meeting Jimmy. "So how did you like him?"

"He seems like a nice guy. I invited him for supper if you don't mind."

Lucy smiled, "That's the spirit."

"Do you know why he's staying with his grandmother?" Savannah asked.

"No, not really. Grace didn't go into much detail the last time I talked with her, but she was certainly happy he was with her." Lucy smiled.

Savannah nodded and proceeded to tell her why Jimmy was visiting Grace.

Chapter Ten

Dinner was pleasant with Jimmy taking the lead and carrying on most of the conversation. Savannah was glad her aunt was home though. She even agreed to go to church with him the next day.

Two days later Ben came out to see her.

"I just stopped by to see how you are doing."

"I'm fine, and you?"


"Looks like you've mastered doing dishes," he smiled.

There was a long pause, as she dried the last dish and put it away, then she turned to him as she dried her hands.

"Was there something else?"

"Word around town is your dating Mrs. Walker's grandson, is that right?"

"I invited him for dinner..." Savannah hung the cup towel up. "Word really gets around fast here."

"And you went with him to church, too."

"Well, yes, I did. Is there anything wrong with that?" She turned to face him.

"No, not at all."

"Good," she tried to keep the smile from her lips. "Aren't you supposed to be working, right now?"

"Yeah, I am, actually. I had to pick up Larson's dog, he bit the mailman again, second time this month. Keeps this up we might have to put him down."

"Oh no, that's terrible. Where did he bite the mailman?" Savannah asked with a chuckle.

"Got him right in the seat of his pants." Ben laughed.

Savannah couldn't stop the smile, "Well, it was nice of you to stop by and check on things. I hope when I go home you'll stop by and check on my aunt, often."

"Go home, you're leaving?" Ben came closer.
