Page 68 of Runaway Bride

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She dropped her gaze, moved away, "I was trying to prove something to myself, I guess. I mean, I was this close," she held up her fingers, "To marrying a man that was gay, and I hadn't a clue. I had blinders on. I couldn't see it. Didn't want to see it. Some people call it naive. I felt a little stupid that I hadn't figured it out. I mean, I had plenty of gay friends. I had gone about my life for so long, just enjoying my time with Chad. He was a very likable young man. We got along well, knew most of the same people, and had the same interests. I had visions of taking care of his old and beautiful house. I think now, I might have been in love with his home, and not so much him. I lived in a fairytale world. I wanted suddenly to live in the real world. Experience the real things in life. Most of my friends were very good at flirting. I thought I'd try. Even though you'd kissed me, you acted as though you could kiss me and walk away, unscathed. That's sort of insulting to a woman, Ben."

"I'm sorry I was so rough on you." he apologized, his voice going low and controlled.

"I guess you did it for my own protection." she tried to laugh it off, and fell short. "I didn't really consider myself in an emotional state when I came here. And vulnerable, too. I guess I was wrong. You know we had several gay friends. They were fun to be with, but Chad gave me no clue…no inkling. I liked them, enjoyed them. But never in a million years, had I guessed it about Chad."

"Maybe he didn't know it himself, for a while. I'd think it would be hard to know someone like you, and try to tell them something like that."

"Someone like me?"

"Yeah, someone with stars in her eyes."

"I guess you are right."

"Yeah...well, I don't think you would have ever guessed it until he was ready to admit it to himself and others."

"I wish him only happiness."

"I'm glad of that. He sounded like a pretty nice fella, for someone I woke in the middle of the night, at least."

Savannah chuckled.

"And Savannah…I didn't walk away unscathed from your kisses," he smiled.


"No, now I think we should go." He remarked glancing outside and sure that the waters had receded, since the sun had heated up the lower valley.

He drove her down the highway to a small café where they enjoyed breakfast together, talked, and he made his decision. He was taking her home to her parents where she belonged. He'd be kidding himself if he thought for one minute she'd be happy in a little hay-seed town like his, with a house full of kids and nothing to look forward to. No, this was best. So why did it eat at him all the way home?

When they reached his house though, there were more problems to deal with. Problems he hadn't expected or even contemplated.

"Sheriff, where have you been? Savannah, what is the meaning of this?" her mother demanded to know.

"Meaning of what?" Savannah asked innocently.

"You've been gone over night, with...with this cowboy Sheriff, I take it. I want some explanation as to why."

"Melanie, give them time to explain." her father was insisting.

"Explain what?" Savannah's frown was aimed straight for them. "There was a storm, mother, a flooded out bridge. The Sheriff was kind enough to seek shelter for us both, until the water receded. That's all, not that I owe any explanation, mother. I'm twenty-six years old, and it's a little late to worry about my virtue, don't you think?"

Ben watched the goings on between them, surprised at how fast Savannah rose to the defense. He smiled, tipped his hat back and looked her father in the eye, "I assure you sir, your daughter was not compromised in any way."

"You don't owe them an explanation. I'm old enough to take care of myself." Savannah met him nose to nose.

"I don't believe it," Melanie was saying. "Why, this man admitted just hours ago he was in love with you."

"He...what?" Savannah turned to her mother first, then to Ben.


"You love me?" Savannah repeated the words. "You told them you loved me?"

Ben looked her in the eye, smiled and took her by the arms, "Yes, I wasn't going to mention that though...since you're leaving."

"You weren't going to mention it?" her voice rose an octave.

"Well now, looks like there just might be a wedding after all," her father was saying.
