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When he found her she was sobbing hard against the back side of the cabin. She looked up at Wade, "That could be Matthew."

"I know, honey. But at least he's alive."

"But Matthew might not be…" she cried.

"You can't think like that. You just can't." Wade took her in his arms to comfort her.

"When will this war end?" She cried with a racking sob.

After the doc took care of the young soldier, he went straight to the camp to see if he could help others. Wade went with him.

Wade reported to the commanding officer that the young man that was missing had lost his legs and was at their cabin. The Major stood very still, and nodded dully. "Thank you for your help."

Wade nodded.

"A lot of my men have deserted, I don't blame them, I'd desert myself if I could. But we have to push on until the end. Somehow. They are starving, diseased, and losing all hope of this war. Our only hope is if Gene

ral Grant and General Lee will settle this once and for all for us. Because right now, my men just want to go home and get well. Some have marched for miles with no shoes, some with no food. Yet they still march. How do you command men to their death, sir? And how do you praise them enough?"

"I don't know sir," Wade shook his head. "Natchez is just over the rise there. You could get help for your men there."

"Yes, but our orders is to push on to Vicksburg."

"Can you physically do that sir?"

"No…I can't. They can't. I never thought there would be a time when an order would be impossible, but we've reached it. I can't push them any further. You are right."

Wade walked away knowing it was such a lost cause. He felt ripped apart that these men had done the impossible and still there was no victory for them. They were southern like himself.

It was a bitter cold winter and spring was a welcome reprieve.

On April 9th, 1865 General Grant and General Lee met at The Appomattox Court House, and Lee surrendered his last troops.

It had been a long and death filled war and many did not go home. Disease, freezing temperatures, famine and long weary battles had killed way too many men.

With the war over Wade prepared to take Beth home.

"Come go with us Demetrius," Wade tried to persuade the old man.

"Not me, it's too long a journey and this is my home, but I thank you for the invite." He smiled at them. He picked Little Jake up in his arms and the tyke hugged him.

Beth hugged him tight, "We'll miss you, you are like family to us now."

"I won't forget a one of you!" Demetrius cried.

With a wagon load of stuff, they began the long journey home, in hopes of finding all well.

It took three weeks to get home, and when they wandered into Beth's family's yard, her mother, father, and half the kids came pouring out of the house.

Beth hugged them all and introduced Little Jake to his extended family.

"He's beautiful," Her mother cried with excitement.

Mrs. Cahill came out, with Sarah pushing her.

"Oh my…. you are all finally home…" she cried.

Wade went to her side and hugged and kissed her, and hugged Sarah too.
