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The window was open and the curtains blew a light breeze through the room.

"No matter where you go, what you do, please don't forget me…" Martina cried.

Beth grabbed her hands and held them steadily. "You don't have to worry about that. And I'll come for visits, I promise."

"Have you seen him, today?" Martina asked her eyes sparkling, as the excitement of the moment stirred the air.

"No…don't you remember, Mama said it's bad luck to see the groom before the wedding. But I wish I had. I guess that will happen soon enough."

"Are you scared out of your mind?" Martina questioned.

Beth glanced around the small room, the sunlight filtered through the room brightening it, and Beth shook her head slowly. "It's funny, but now that I'm here, and about to walk down the aisle I feel…I don't know, kind of excited. Does that make any sense at all?"

"Married! My sister is getting married!" Martina cried aloud and grabbed Beth to hug her. "Oh Beth, I wish you all the luck in the world."

"It's going to be alright, I just know it." Beth told her as she squeezed her tight. "And when your time comes, you stand up straight, and don't be afraid. And don't ever forget me."

"I couldn't forget you, we've shared too many things through the years. I just hope I'm as lucky as you are to get a handsome man," Martina laughed. "Just think, you'll be Mrs. Wade Cahill. Sounds kind of nice, doesn't it?"

Beth giggled her butterflies momentarily fluttering in her stomach.

"Pa's gonna walk you down the aisle. Are you ready?" Martina grasp her by the hands.

Beth took a deep breath, "I think so. This is it! Wish me luck that I don't trip on my dress or something."

"Luck hasn't a thing to do with it." Her Mama came in and took one last look at her. "You are gorgeous. I knew you would be. Remember what I told you…Let your heart lead you."

"Yes Mama," Beth kissed her mother and the door flew open, and her father was standing there waiting for her. "Are you ready, girl?"

Beth looked at her father, decked out in the only suit he owned, his hair slicked, he looked handsome for his age.

"Yes Pa, I'm ready." Beth kissed her mother, and Martina. "Take care of Joan for me…" she told Martina.

"I will…good luck."

Then she heard the wedding march and the congregation hushed as her sister led the march and her father walked down the aisle. Daisies lined the ends of the pews, and ribbons were tied around them. It looked lovely, thanks to her mother and many friends. Beth thought to herself. She wasn't able to focus on the groom yet, but the crowd were all well-wishers.

Her head was buzzing with faces, and smiles.

Then she saw him.

Standing by the preacher, Wade Cahill was smiling as she approached. He looked so happy and handsome, in his dark blue suit, and starched shirt and tie. Her father kissed her on the cheek and let her go.

Her eyes fastened on Wade's. She joined hands with Wade as the preacher said the beautiful words over them that would join them for a lifetime.

Beth's knees were shaking, but looking at her handsome husband seconds later, she was startled that she had mumbled the "I do" without even thinking about it.

They repeated the vows, and then he slipped a beautiful ring on her finger.

Yet, when the preacher pronounced them man and wife, Wade took her in his arms and kissed her oh so sweetly on the lips, and everything else faded, something flowed between them, she could feel it.

Broke apart only by the well-wishers, Beth felt that same buzzing in her ears. The confusion of everyone gathering about them, wishing them well, even though most didn't know Wade, they were eagerness to meet him and congratulate them.

But Wade took her by the hand and escorted her out of the church while everyone threw rice at them and waved them off in the fancy buggy that was surrounded in flowers and cans tied to the rear of it.

The reception was being held at her folk's place, outside, and by the time she changed clothes, the party was underway. Wade had managed to gift her with a beautiful going away dress and hat. She pulled

it from the box, marked, "To my bride" and gawked at it for several long minutes. It was lavender with dark purple buttons and the hat was purple with veil like material over it. Beth nearly cried that he would be so thoughtful.
