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"Will your mother like me?" Beth asked a bit intimidated by the newness of everything. She wanted to make a good impression, but she also wanted his mother to like her for who she was, a plain ordinary woman.

"She'll have too, you are my wife now. And nothing will change that." He said, his voice sounding a bit dark now.

"I want her to." Beth said quietly.

"She can't help but fall in love with a woman as sweet as you." He perked up.

"I hope so…" Beth felt a tinge of fear but she squashed it quickly. She wouldn't let anything intimidate her now. "I'll do my best to get her to like me."

"Don't even try. Mother will see through that. Just be your own sweet self. She'll come around, eventually."


eth glanced at him and nodded. "All right."

She couldn't face her new life with fear. If she let his mother control their marriage it could be a disaster. She knew she'd have to be strong, and yet tempered.

Despite her naïve, she had been taught how to get along with cantankerous older people and she knew she'd have to draw on the few experiences she'd had. Obviously his mother was a force to be dealt with and if she didn't make the right impression right off the bat, then things could become difficult.

Determined to make her marriage work, and to find a way to get along, she strengthened her resolve. She'd be herself, and Mother Cahill would have to learn to like her.

Sure enough, as they boarded the "The Lady Belle", his mother was waiting on the top deck to greet them. Beth saw her at a glance, but it was enough to see the grim expression on her face, and the arrogance of her tilted nose. She had nearly white hair pulled up on top her head, crowning her. She was quite handsome for an older lady, Beth acknowledged.

As they moved around on the boat, Wade introduced her to the Captain, and several stewards. Some of the laborers passed and he introduced them too. Beth liked that he treated all the workers the same. It meant he was a fair man. She realized quickly there were many things she liked about her husband.

"I don't know if I'll remember all their names." Beth cried.

"Don't worry, just ask, if you get confused."

"All right."

As they went upstairs, his mother wheeled her chair around to face them squarely.

At first glance, she was a sophisticated woman with a plain appearance. She wore an elegant gray dress, with a cameo at the neck, and her hair pulled back into an extreme bun. She had the same blue eyes as Wade, only much less inviting than her son. Elegant and plain described her. She wore no welcoming smile, no warmth lit her eyes as Beth came closer. Beth saw a tad of intimidation in her eyes too, and that softened Beth's manner quickly. The older woman was as afraid of meeting her as she was. Good, they could start on an even keel.

Beth could tell right off she would have a struggle with this woman, but she was more than determined to win her over.

"So this is your bride, huh?" His mother announced staunchly as he leaned to kiss her on the cheek.

"Yes, this is my wife, Beth Cahill, mother." Wade smiled down into the sobering looking woman. "And I'd appreciate you welcoming her."

"She's mighty young." His mother snapped.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs. Cahill." Beth extended her hand.

His mother didn't extend hers. She nodded. "That's to be seen!"

"Mother, we were just married three days ago, let's keep the peace at least one day, alright." Wade's gaze narrowed on his mother's stern glance.

His mother sent him a slight frown, but when she saw that Wade was having none of her sour mood, she brightened immediately.

"There's champagne in your room. Dinner is at eight. Don't be late…. you know how I hate eating late." His mother frowned. "Welcome to "The Lady Belle" Beth."

"Thank you mother Cahill." Beth raised her chin, determined not to let the woman see her intimidation.

As they followed his mother's chair down the aisle of the boat, his mother tossed her son a quick glance. "She's a looker alright, but is she good for anything else? I hope she isn't another one of your floozies."

Beth heard her and came up on the other side of her, "I'm a very good cook, I can sew, and I know how to delegate chores, as I'm from a big family. I know what hard work is, Mrs. Cahill. I'm clean in my appearance, and diligent in my work. I treat people fairly and expect them to do the same."
