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He opened the window so she could see them pulling away from the banks of the river.

"I never dreamed it would be so beautiful." Beth sighed as an evening breeze cooled her face. "This is like a poor girl's dream…"

"I suppose we should change clothes now. I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of ordering some dresses for you, you'll find them hanging in the closet." He smiled. "I got an assortment, for different occasions."

"When did you do that?" She asked whirling about to look into the closet.

"Almost the minute you said yes, I got busy. I wanted you to have all the things you needed to be comfortable. I had your mother give me some ideas out of a catalogue and then when I sailed to New Orleans I stopped long enough for them t

o be delivered to the boat before I came to get you."

"Oh…you bought me more clothes?" She shrieked and ran to open the armoire. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out, as she stared at the beautiful clothes he had sent from the best shops of New Orleans. There were beautiful satin gowns, and gowns that glittered, and then there were nice dresses that one might wear to church too. Different colors. And to her amazement, they looked as though they would fit her perfectly. He had even thought of hats for different outfits. She turned to look at him with surprise.

"How on earth did you know what size?"

"Your mother…"

"I never expected so much."

"I know you didn't. But we won't be stopping for a while and I wanted you to have some nice things. It's sort of a wedding gift for you." He smiled. "Since we aren't having much of a honeymoon, I thought it was the least I could do for you."

She tiptoed and kissed him on the lips, a scorching kiss that had him wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. He groaned softly, as he nibbled her ear.

"We're going to have to be using that bed, if you keep that up," He whispered, as his lips ravaged hers. She felt the passion building, the heat surrounded them, and the urge to know more had her relaxing in his arms. The champagne did have an effect, she mused at her lightheadedness.

He groaned and slowly pulled away. She saw red hot desire spear through him, but the feelings swelling inside her told her she was on the verge of the same feelings. In that moment, she knew she wanted him. It hit her like a warning hammer on her head.

Her hand went to her stomach and she glanced up at him.

"Your feeling it too, aren't you?" He asked in a low whisper.

Her eyes shone into his, "I-I suppose I am…"

"I love your honesty. It's refreshing. You're such a truthful person, another trait I like about you. Perhaps we should go outside and get some fresh air…" He offered.

She nodded woodenly with the beginnings of being woozy.

He took her hand and guided her outside, to the railing. She watched the water ripple as the boat moved through it. And suddenly, she felt sick.

Before she realized it, she was pitching her dinner over the railing.

"Honey…" He called and picked her up in his arms and carried her back inside the cabin.

He laid her on top of the bed, and he went to get a cool rag for her and some water.

"I'm sorry," she cried. "I don't know what happened."

"A little sea-sickness there. You'll be fine. But I'll call the doctor to give you some medicine."

"Oh no, please don't bother," She tried to get up, but her head was swimming. "I think it's the champagne, I told you I'd never drank before."

"I'm sorry darling."

She smiled, and pulled his head down to her, "You called me darling…" She sighed happily. "I've never been called darling before."

"Do you like it?" He grinned.

"Very much…" She giggled. "I like all the names you call me."
