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"You didn't answer my question?" His mother firmed her lips.

"They are going to St. Louis, mother, on business." Wade informed her. "And they are paying guests. It would behoove you to act nice."

"You are telling me to act nice around that obvious whore of a woman? Wade Cahill you know exactly what she wants." His mother grumbled. "What galls me is that she flirts right in front of her own husband. And he puts up with it. And now right in front of Beth. It's disgraceful."

"Perhaps. But I assure you I want nothing from her. I am quite happily married now and that makes the difference, mother."

"I don't think it matters what you want." His mother shot the woman a look of pure acid.

"Only to a point, Mother. I'm aware of her intentions, but I don't plan on acting upon them. Now, can we eat in peace?" Wade asked, looking weary from his verbal dual with his mother.

Beth had been quiet, but now his mother eyed her. "And what do you think of her?"

Beth glanced back at the woman, then his mother. To everyone's surprise she blurted out, "I think you are right, Mother Cahill, but I have faith in my husband."

"Faith? Well, I wasn't expecting that answer. You surprise me. Perhaps she isn't typical at all, Wade. Where ever did you find her?"

"In the hills of Texas, Mother. Isn't she refreshing?" He smiled at Beth now.

"We'll see. Now Beth the stew is marvelous, and the steaks divine here." His mother offered.

Beth smiled at her, "Stew sounds wonderful."

"Good choice." His mother nodded.

Wade watched the interplay and smiled as though to himself.

"Mr. Cahill," A gentleman walked up to their table.

Wade eyed the man carefully, "General Martin?"

"Have you considered what we spoke of last we met?"

"You'll excuse me, but my mind has been elsewhere, General. I'm just recently married, and since this is officially our honeymoon time, I refuse to talk about the war with you at this time. Perhaps later…"

The General seemed taken aback. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. But I'm afraid it's not something we can escape."

"It's started?"

"Yes, at Ft. Sumter."

"That's unfortunate. May I introduce my wife sir, Beth Cahill?" Wade stood up.

Beth nodded to the General but figured it best not to speak at the time. Wade wasn't in the mood to talk to the man that was obvious and it would possibly ruin everyone's dinner, so she kept silent.

"I must say I can't blame you, Cahill, she's lovely." The General smiled, picked up her hand and kissed it.

Beth smiled.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, we'll talk another time perhaps."

"Perhaps." Wade didn't ascertain.

The General tipped his hat to both ladies and left.

"What was that about?" His mother asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it tonight, mother. This is Beth's first night on our boat, I'd like it to be pleasant."
