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He held her tighter and waltzed her around the floor.

It was a like a dream come true. She'd married well, and his mother liked her. What more could she possibly need?

But after a couple of dances, she nodded toward his mother. "Let's sit with her a bit now. I wish she could dance too."

"You're a treasure Beth…" Wade smiled and they joined his mother.

Mother Cahill was sipping a light wine and watching all the couples on the floor. She seemed delighted that they came back and joined her.

"What would you like me to call you, Mrs. Cahill, Mother Cahill?" Beth asked after they sat down at the table.

His mother seemed to think on it a bit. "Mother Cahill would be nice…"

Beth smiled. "I was thinking the same thing."

"Why did you stop dancing?" His mother asked him.

Wade looked at Beth and smiled, "She's still getting her sea-legs, mother."

"Oh dear, that happened to me the first time I came aboard." His mother was telling her. "His father, Aiden Cahill, was the Captain at the time. I was so sick and he came to my rescue. That's how we met. And he took care of me and stayed with me until I was better. Before we docked he asked me to marry him. And can you believe it, I said yes. My mother was in total shock."

Wade was smiling now.

"That's so romantic." Beth wasn't a bit shocked, but pleased that Mother Cahill shared that with her.

"He was afraid I'd leave and never see him again, at least that is what he said. I never left his side…."

"He must have been some man." Beth assured her.

"I think Wade must be a lot like him. For it seems he didn't waste much time in finding you, either…" Mother Cahill smiled knowingly.

"As a matter of fact mother, you are right. I didn't waste any time at all. There was just something about her." Wade took Beth's hand.

"That's exactly what your father said when my mother became upset that he wanted to marry me as soon as possible."

Beth blushed. "Were you shocked?"

"Very much so, but I knew when I looked into those oh so blue eyes, that I couldn't say no, either."

"I guess we do have a lot in common…" Beth murmured. "But you'll forgive me, I never imagined…all of this. I come from simple folks, Mother Cahill. I'm not gonna lie to you. When I saw all the forks sitting there at the table, for one meal at each plate, I didn't have the slightest clue what to use first. The women on this boat look so sophisticated and grand. I hope I can measure up."

His mother scrutinized her, "Don't let the money fool you. I was a poor girl too when Aiden married me. But I learned to lift my head, and carry myself as proudly as any of them. You're a beautiful young girl, don't let anyone put you down." His mother advised. "I'm quite proud of Wade, I wasn't sure he had the gumption to find the right girl, but it looks as though he has."

She put her hand on hers and smiled and from that moment on, Beth knew she had two friends, Wade and his mother.

Chapter Nine

Later that same evening after Mother Cahill went to bed, Wade and Beth strolled the decks. Wade showed her where everything was, even walked her through the gambling hall.

The huge room with gambling tables was a strange picture to Beth, she'd never seen anything like it. Waiters stood on the sidelines of the tables ready to refill a drink. Smoke curled the air as many lit cigars.

Men dressed in everyday street clothes, men dressed in fine suits and linen shirts sat at the same tables.

Chips were piled high on some tables, low on others.

Beth took it all in, and she was feeling a bit overwhelmed when they finally came to a stand on the deck and leaning over the railing, they stared out on the waters at the back of the boat. The moonlight lit a trail of water, and Beth was mesmerized by the beauty of it. She loved staring out over the water, it was so calming.

"It's so lovely out here."
