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"Can I help in any way?" She asked.

"Well, I hadn't given that a thought. Never had anyone to help me before." He grinned. "Maybe I can arrange a few wifely chores around here."

"I'd like that. I don't want to be a woman of leisure. It's not natural."

"Only in the mornings. And since you and mother get along so well, maybe the two of you can go into port and see the sights of some of our stops." He suggested. "We'll stop off tomorrow."

"I'd love that. Would she let me help her a bit?"

"I don't know, ask her."

She grinned. "I will. You know the way you were acting, I thought she'd be hard to figure. But I can almost understand her."

"I thought you might." He laughed. "I just didn't know if she would understand you."

"You're in a good mood this morning." She elbowed him.

"I wonder why, I spent the night dreaming about a certain lady."

"Do I know her?"

"No I doubt it." He frowned. "She's this little hill girl I met in Texas, with golden hair, and soft brown eyes, and a smile as beautiful as a sunrise. She kisses like a dream too. I'm terribly fond of her."

Beth chuckled but quickly realized he hadn't said he loved her. Perhaps she shouldn't expect it, but she missed it. How can I miss something I've never had? "You're teasing me."

"I sometimes wish I were. You mesmerize me Beth." He smiled then leaned to kiss her once more.

She still had the gown on, and when he pulled her into his arms, he crushed her against him. He groaned loudly.

She pulled away quickly this time, not wanting the kiss to consume them, especially if he was going to be so noble about it. "As long as you kiss me, I don't mind the tease." She chuckled.

But it was a tempered kiss, not meant to enflame her senses.

"I'd like to start making your breakfast in the mornings." She told him, as she tried to recover from the near full blown kiss.

"You would? Why?"

"Yes, because I'm your wife and I should prepare some of your meals at least." She told him. "How else will you know that I'm a good cook?"

"You don't consider it a chore?"

"Not at all. I'd like you to taste my cooking. I'm a fine cook." She insisted. "What's the use of learning something if you don't use the talent."

"Alright, tomorrow you can start, but this morning we'll eat in the dining room with mother, if that's alright with you."

"It's very alright." She smiled.

Chapter Ten

Mother Cahill was sitting at the table, in a dark purple silk dress, and a big feathered hat. She looked like a queen or something. But she didn't intimidate Beth a bit. Beth liked her, just the way she was.

"Good morning," Beth smiled at her.

Mother Cahill glanced up at her, and her dress. "That's a very pretty little outfit."

"Your son bought it for me, from New Orleans. You might as well know right now, I only had two dresses to my name when he found me." Beth whispered. "I come from a very poor, but happy family."

Mother Cahill smiled, "I like her Wade, I really do. She doesn't put on airs. As beautiful as she is, she's so natural."
