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She pulled away to stare at him. "And I love you…. I think I have all along." She said simply. "Wade…make love to me…" She cried. "Don't make me beg."

"I can't. Especially now…" He cried, pacing the room like a caged tiger.

"Has something happened?" Her brows knitted as she stared at her troubled husband.

"Yes, the south is now my enemy too. They've actually made a threat. They didn't notify me ahead of time for a shipment they want delivered. I'm being treated like a traitor to tell the truth. I'm wondering now exactly where my allegiance lies." He cried out.

"What do you mean?" She ran to him and hugged him.

He pulled her to the edge of the bed and sat her down. "Now they are threatening to hurt you too."


"You and mother!"

"I'm thinking seriously of sending you to your folks." He said. "At least there you should be safe."

"Wade! I don't want to leave you like this. A wife stands beside her husband; she doesn't run at the first sign of trouble."

"God knows I don't either. But I don't want to worry that they might harm you either. Could you and mother go there and stay a while?"

"Well…yes, I suppose. But….my place is with you!"

"In ordinary times, you are right. But these are not ordinary times. It would be too easy for either side to hurt you. And they will continually use that as a threat. I couldn't bare that…"

"And I can't bear to leave you, here alone!" She cried out. "What you are attempting to do is crazy. You can't work for both of them. If you must work for one, then chose one, but don't go back and forth it will make you mad! I don't care which side you chose, as long as it helps to keep you safe."

"I'm sorry, my love, but you must leave." He encouraged. "Besides, how would you feel if I said I was thinking of really spying for the north?"

She stared at him her face white, "I don't know. I'm a southerner. But then, I love you and I would stand behind any decision you made. You can't stand divided. I want you to do whatever it is you have to."

"Thank you for that…I'm not going to let anyone threaten you like that. And it was uncalled for and abusive. I was enraged when he said it. I still am. They want to use me and this boat, and they threaten my family. I won't stand for this. The war has only started and already I am at great risk."

"Oh darling, I wish I could help you make the decision, but I can't. But no matter…I still love you Wade."

"Will you go home until I send for you?"

"On one condition." She said flatly.

"What condition?" He looked at her strangely.

"Make love to me…" She said softly. "Now…tonight."


"I won't go without part of you, even a small part of you inside of me…I love you Wade! You've awaken the woman in me, and I want to be that woman. I want you…"

"But darling…" He almost shouted. "Think of the consequences."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking about." She stomped her foot deliberately. "I know that you are afraid I might get pregnant and something could happen to you, but think of the consequences of me losing you, and not having a part of you to love…"

He looked at her stubborn chin. "You're a stubborn woman Beth Sawyer." He nodded,

"I'm not Beth Sawyer, I'm Beth Cahill. And if we'd have made love, you'd remember it!"

He looked at her and reached to pull his hair, "You think I don't know who you are and what you are, and that you are so much a part of me now. God knows how I want you."

"Then why refuse what we both want!" She protested.
