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"Mother Cahill has come for a visit." Beth announced. "Mother Cahill, this is my father. And this is John, the man that brought us here."

"Mr. Sawyer, I'm very pleased to meet you," Mother Cahill extended her hand as she was pushed up the incline.

"I'm more than pleased to meet you Ma'am, go on inside, your mother will fix you some tea and she just baked a pie." Her father told her. "You too John, I'll be in directly.

She went inside and introduced Mother Cahill and John to her mother. Her mother grabbed Mrs. Cahill and hugged her.

"You must be so tired, all that traveling. You cozy up to the table here and I'll have some tea ready any minute. Would you like a piece of apple pie? I just made it."

"That would b lovely…"

"You too John, I'll just be a minute."

Beth visited with her mother a while, and had some pie. Her mother and Mother Cahill got along famously. But when Mother Cahill went to lie down for a rest, John helped her stretch out on Beth's old bed.

Beth went outside to speak to her father.

Beth watched him work. "What's going on here?" Beth asked with trepidation.

"Had us a few Indian skirmishes about."

"Anyone hurt?"

"Jacob took a arrow in the arm, everybody else is good." He told her.

"Where is he?"

Beth looked about not seeing him.

"It just happened yesterday girl, he's in his room resting." Her father told her.

"I'm going to see him…" Beth went flying into Jacob room, seeing him lying on his bed, with his arm holstered scared her witless.

"Jacob!" she cried.

He shook his head, "Oh don't take on so. I'm gonna be all right. What are you doin' here? Didn't like married life?"

"Things were getting bad on the boat I brought Mother Cahill here, thought she'd be safer here."

"You sure brought her at the wrong time." Jacob wailed. "I guess everybody's too busy fightin' the blue coats to notice that the Indians have gone crazy in these parts."

"We didn't know. We've had no word. But I am glad I came back. Maybe I can help? Where's Martina?" She asked glancing about seeing no one.

"You hadn't heard?" He turned on her like she was suddenly the enemy.

"Heard what?"

"They married her off too," Jacob sounded wounded now.

"My God! Who to?"

"You don't want to know."

"Tell me Jacob."

"John Savage."

"Savage? They didn't, tell me." she pulled him by the shirt and he hollered.
