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The doc laughed. "Charlie, it's good to see you. Bring me a side of beef at the end of the week, will ya?"

"Sure thing doc. Thanks and take care." Charlie nodded and let him out as he gazed at his big sisters jumping rope. "Mama had another girl." He told them.

"Yippee!" They cried.

Charlie shook his head and smiled. He was beginning to notice girls himself and his sisters knew he was sweet on Charity Moss, he'd taken her to a couple of dances and from the looks of it, Charity liked Charlie a lot.

Cord went in to see his new baby and their beautiful mother. "She's a beauty. Look at that fire red hair!"

Lilly smiled. "I thought this one might be a boy."

"I told doc I got the only boy I need." Cord smiled at her.

Lilly got a faraway look in her eye. "You ever regret us not telling Charlie who Sam really was?" He asked.

"No, not at all. He's so happy, and I think it's better this way. Sam didn't love Charlie. He never would say Charlie was his. And I never understood that. The only thing he did was sell me the saloon, he thought that would repay me for what he'd done. But because of what he did to me. And what he tried to do to Charlie that day, I don't want to change a thing, Cord. He loves you. You’re his Pa. The only Pa he's ever known."

"I am, aren't I?" Cord smiled. "He's been so much help to me, and I love him as much as the girls."

"I know you do. And Sam was never his Pa. So do you want to hold her?" She asked.

"Of course I do." Cord reached to pick her up in his arms. He put her on his shoulder and she burped. They laughed. "So what are we going to name this one?"

"Hannah," Lilly decided quickly. "Hannah Elizabeth McCall."

"I like it. He smiled, pushing her hair back from her face he kissed her on the forehead and cradled her in his arms. She made a baby sound and they both smiled at her.

"Well, until they get to be about sixteen, I'll have it easy, but after that, me and Charlie might have to get our rifles out and stave off the boys."

Lilly laughed.

"We've made a good home, Lilly." Cord said laying the baby back in her arms.

"Yes we have. Are you…ever sorry that you hung your guns up after Sam died?" Lilly asked.

"No, not at all. Things have been pretty peaceful around here, and I'm hoping they will stay that way for a long time. Sam was a tortured man when I shot him. I am sorry I had to kill him, but when he shot at Charlie, deliberately, I didn't mind taking him down. I won't let anyone hurt my family. He hurt you once, and I wasn't around to see justice done, but he got his in the end."

"You know it's kind of funny how Jason seemed to straighten up after he did that jail time."

"Five years tamed him some, didn't it?"

"Yes, and it gave Dan a chance to become a good person too. I'm sort of glad it all worked out that way. I can't believe Charlie and Dan go fishing together at least once a week now. They are best of buddies."

"They have a few things in common now."

Lilly sat up and laid the baby on the bed with pillows all around her.

"She's gonna look like you, with that red hair." He smiled.

"Hope she doesn't have the temper that goes with it." Lilly laughed.

Cord reached to kiss Lilly on the lips, "I want you to hurry up and get well, because I'm a little hungry for you myself."

She laughed. "That's how we got her, you know." Lilly cautioned.

"It's sure worth it." He smiled kissing her again.

Lilly swooned. "You have such a way about you cowboy!"

The End
