Page 12 of Taste of Temptation

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The elevator doors swooshed shut, and Jason pulled her into his arms, his mouth crushing against hers as he backed her against the mirrored wall.

"What if the doors open?” she gasped, not really caring if some geriatric tourist was in the elevator with them that instant, so long as Jason kept touching her.

"It's going to the penthouse,” he murmured against the tender skin beneath her jaw. “No stops until the top. No security."

Laine's gaze fixed on their reflection in far wall. “I like to see us together like this. It's sexy."

Jason's head rose, and he followed her gaze over his shoulder. Stepping to the side so that more of her was revealed, he smiled. “Very. Take off the dress for me, and I'll show you sexy."

Her heart stalled as he took a step back, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting. The promise of more heat to come was too tempting to pass up, and she found herself unzipping the side of her gown, her eyes locked with his. With one hand across her breasts she used the other to slip the spaghetti straps off her shoulders and then let the dress fall into a pool at her feet, except for her hold on the single strap. She stepped out of the gown, and slipped it over the side of the rail mounted to the wall.

Sex was great, but she had to have something to wear to these weddings.

Jason knelt down beside her and helped her out of the lacy underwear, tucking them into his suit jacket pocket. “For safekeeping,” he said with a laugh. Stroking the back of her thigh down to her ankle and up again with a feather soft touch, he pointed to her reflection across the car.

"You're beautiful, Laine."

Chills danced across her bare skin, tightening her nipples into crinkled points. She loved it when he said her name. “You make me feel that way."

"I'll make you feel even better.” Taking both her hands, he pressed them against the rail behind her and then cupped her calf, guiding it up until he draped it over his shoulder. He ran his mouth against the lips of her sex, parting them with his tongue for one teasing taste. “I want you to watch yourself when I make you come. There's nothing sexier than the look on your face at that moment."

The elevator doors opened at the side to Jason's apartment, and with a quick movement, he reached over to the panel and hit the stop button. Turning back, he buried his face between her legs.

She gasped at the pull of his mouth against her clit. Jason was wrong. There was nothing sexier than the man making love to her with his mouth at that moment.

His hand snaked up the side of her torso, seeking out her breast and brushing her nipple with the pad of his thumb.

She panted, watching her reflection, fully nude, obscured only by Jason's dark hair moving back and forth as he devoured her sex. Her skin was pale, dotted by a flush of red across her chest and neck where the blood beneath the surface had started a slow boil.

Hips rocking with the motion of his mouth, Laine let her head loll back against the wall, the coil of desire twisting tighter within her. Her breath came faster. She gripped the rail behind her as though she clung to it for dear life.

Suddenly, the sound of “Here Comes the Bride” filled the small elevator, drowning out her pleasured gasps. Laine's hands fisted against the rail. “No,” she cried. “God, I'm so close. Ignore it, please."

Jason didn't seem to have much problem doing just that, the tinny music played for a few more seconds before the call went to voice mail and the elevator was again echoing with only the sounds of wet kisses and groans as Jason pleasured her.

Keeping her eyes riveted on their reflection, she climbed toward orgasm fast. Jason's hand pulled and played with her nipple while his mouth worked her sex. He squeezed the tip of her nipple as he tongued her channel. She was so close, so wet, her body clenched and pulsed with every plunge, pinch and lap. Her breath was ragged, her moans persistent. And the phone started playing again.

"Agh.” She crashed down several rungs on the pleasure ladder, but Jason's hands shifted—one to her ass, where he pulled her closer against him as he circled her clit, and the other down to her silk clutch on the floor.

Thank God, he was going to turn the damn thing off. But just as she'd started to relax back into the rhythm of his feast, he held the phone up in front of her face ... open and connected.

He sucked her erect clit between his teeth, making her yelp as she grasped the phone.

"Laine? Laine? This is Connie, what's going on? The wedding—how was it?"

Laine stared at the phone in horror as Jason nibbled the erogenous bundle of nerves at her center. What could she do? He'd connected the call.

"Connie.” Her voice sounded husky and thick. “The wedding ... sooo good..."

"Well, good. You deserve it after last week. Have you spoken to the florist about replacing the tulips for the Masters/Felps wedding?"

Laine's brain struggled to follow and decipher the words coming through the phone ... She let her head fall back, wondering if she could just hang up, explain later that there had been bad reception ... All she wanted was to slide onto Jason's cock and ride him into oblivion. The pleasure was more than she could bear.

The pressure against her clit increased, jarring her out of her trance. He was circling hard with the pointed tip of his tongue and slipping two fingers inside her while he did it. She was going to come on the spot—no, on the phone with her boss.

"Yes ... yes ... Yes, Connie, it's taken care of.” She rushed. “Now's not a ... mmm ... so good ... time. Let me call you ... uuuhhh ... tomorrow with more details ... Bye—"

She couldn't hear Connie's response as she flipped the phone closed and disconnected the call. Tossing the phone aside, she wound her fingers into Jason's hair as sharp, pulsing waves crashed through her body. Screaming, she came against his mouth.
