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Cutting through the library he took the stairs two at a time to the second floor, turning left at the landing into the family’s wing of bedrooms. Outside her door, he paused. He wouldn’t wait there to confront her. She didn’t want him and the sooner he came to grips with the fact that she wasn’t the woman he wanted to believe she was, the better.

He would leave her a note. Tell her he knew about the other man, and that he would leave her alone. The doorknob felt like a foreign object when he grasped it. He wanted to yank his hand back and go get blind drunk until he couldn’t remember a thing, but he couldn’t pretend he didn’t know. Couldn’t beat the hell out of whomever she wanted more than him. He couldn’t do anything but turn the cold metal in his hand and push open the door.

Unfamiliar with the layout of the room, he swept his hand over the wall until he found a switch. Flipping it, he squinted as light flooded the space.


He jerked around, his mouth dry, eyes wide. Lara sat up on her bed, cotton pjs all askew, her hand half shielding her eyes, a surprised smile playing at her mouth.

Air rushed into his lungs in a burst of relief. He was a drowning man, breaking the surface.

She shifted to her knees. “I didn’t think you’d still be awake. I just went out to the terrace but it was empty. I thought I was too late to catch you. What are you doing—” Her words were cut off as Cal closed the space between them, pulled her against him, crushing her with a demanding kiss. They couldn’t be close enough.

She pulled back, her eyes smoky, confused. “Wait—”

“I can’t wait,” he answered, barely restraining himself.

He’d heard someone else down at the shore. He didn’t care who, didn’t have the capacity to dwell on the little itch in the back of his mind questioning the familiarity of what he’d heard. All that mattered was she was here alone. Not in the boathouse. Not being made love to by another man. Not beyond his understanding, not beyond his reach. Cupping her cheek in his palm, he angled her face to meet his stare. “I want you, I need you.”

The stark desperation in his eyes was all she needed to understand—to be swept into the frenzied storm of possession.

“Take me.” Lara rose to meet him with her mouth, opening to him, clutching her fists in his shirt as he pulled her to him.

His tongue invaded her mouth, his hands sought to cover every inch of her in one grasping, roaming sweep. His hand fisted in the hair at the base of her skull and pulled her head back, exposing the sensitive skin beneath her jaw to his marauding mouth.

The intensity of the contact was shocking, arousing, and liquid heat flooded her core. Every touch felt as though a claim was staked on her skin and in her heart. His hands roved down her back over the curves of her ass. He grasped the muscles hard, his fingers digging into her flesh, and drew her forward in one rough motion, leaving her knees supporting her at the edge of the bed as he ground his cock against her pelvis.

She wanted to climb up his body and seat herself over his shaft. She wanted him inside of her, stretching her, touching her most secret parts. But this was better. Having him take without asking. She’d never felt the need to give herself over to a man so completely before. She throbbed for his touch, his entrance into her body, and the waiting was nearly as exciting as the touch itself.

His hand left her ass cheek and delved lower, following her crack through her legs to the now sodden strip of cotton between her thighs. He stroked over the swollen folds of her pussy once, making her groan and buck against him, then hooked his finger around the leg hole of her shorts. Pulling the strip of fabric aside, he thrust his finger into her pussy as he reclaimed her mouth with his tongue. His hand cupping her ass with his palm, he pressed a second finger into her, stretching her in a tease.

Desperate for more contact, she rocked her hips forward and back as she angled her head, deepening the kiss.

He stroked her mouth and sex in time until she clenched around his finger and pleaded around his tongue. “More…please.”

Cal broke away from the kiss, reached over his shoulder and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. Pulling it over his head, the muscles of his abdomen, chest and shoulders flexed and released in rippling motion.

She splayed her hands over his pecs and stroked the smooth expanse of skin, brushing circles around his perfect, tight nipples with her thumbs.

Throwing the shirt off to the side, he grabbed her wrists and, panting, held them against the hollow at the center of his chest. His eyes were serious, troubled as he stared down at her. “All I want is to make you mine…convince myself that no other man will ever touch you again. I’m acting crazy, I don’t know what’s wrong with me—”

“I’m yours.” She met him with her own unfaltering stare. She didn’t know how she could make such a promise, but she felt it deep in her heart. It was the truth. “As long as you’ll have me…” She pulled her hands free of his grasp and slipped her pajama tank over her head. Pushed the tight shorts down off her hips, sitting back to ease them off her legs. Naked, she moved to the edge of the bed, her knees together, her body less than an arm’s reach away from him. “…I’ll be yours. Any way you want me.”

Lara reached out, tracing her fingers down the thin line of hair from his navel to where it disappeared under the waist of his khakis. She tugged his belt free of its buckle and looked at him. “You are all I want.”

She undid the clasp, worked the zipper down and opened his pants with a parting brush of her hands to release his stiff shaft. His body was rigid, his abdomen tense as she grasped the length of him and stroked to the thick head. Pre-come beaded at the end of his cock, making her mouth water. Lara left the bed to kneel in front of him and lap at the hint of his salty-sweet essence. Cal gripped her shoulders and let out a low groan as the flavor of him rolled over her tongue in a tease. Wrapping her lips around him, she slid his cock into her mouth, pushing him to the back of her throat.

“Lara, I won’t last like this—”

A slight smile threatened the corners of her mouth. That was good, she wanted to drive him beyond control, to give him pleasure he couldn’t stop. She drew back over his hard shaft, letting her teeth drag gently, and then cradled him with her tongue as she applied suction, taking him deep into her mouth again.

She pulled back until the ridge of his head was at her lips then bore down on him again. In and out of her mouth he glided, letting her set the pace. Relaxing the muscles at the back of her mouth, she swallowed around him until he was embedded deep in the wet recesses of her throat.

His grip on her shoulders tightened, and a pulse of wet heat beat through her core. She wanted him inside every part of her at once. Filling her mouth, buried between her legs, his hands covering everything in between.

Suddenly, Cal jerked back, his cock pulling out of her mouth with a wet pop. His hands were on her, lifting her off the floor and planting her on the mattress.

“Spread your legs.” His voice came as a gravelly command.
