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Adam arched an eyebrow at Keith and then looked back at Cal with a speculative stare. “Lara, huh?”

“Yeah, I’ve been emailing with her and was looking forward to putting a face with the name.”

Keith let out a snort. “E-buddies, that’s cute, Cal.”

Cocky and condescending, Keith had been grating on his nerves since they’d met at the airport. They didn’t seem to have a thing in common beyond their relationship to Adam, and Cal had been doing his damnedest to ignore the majority of what came out of the guy’s mouth.

Adam coughed into his fist then dragged his teeth back and forth over his bottom lip. “Come on, Keith, cut him some slack. Lara’s definitely a looker—sweet too—but of all the available females in the Sinclair line, I got to be honest with you, she’s not the top investment.”

He wasn’t sure what that meant, but doled out an appeasing smile nonetheless. No doubt, Adam had the best intentions, but he wasn’t looking for anyone’s approval or opinion for that matter. Cal made decisions for himself. Hell, he’d waited this long to get his hands on Lara, what difference would a few more minutes make? “Let’s get that tour started then.”


Lara stood behind her sister, who kneeled against the door, peeking out through the keyhole. Dette’s room was situated at the end of the family wing and, from her position, she would be able to see straight down the hall, past the stairwell, and into the guest wing. As girls, the two did their fair share of spying and it was disconcerting to see how little things had changed.

“This is ridiculous. Why can’t we just go out?”

“Lara, don’t be stupid. If he recognizes me, the timing will be crucial. Quiet!”

So much for the “best friends, greatest sister in the world” business.

“Okay, they’re headed downstairs. Pull me up, my legs are asleep.”

Lara hoisted Dette off the floor and watched as she smoothed her white skirt and blouse. Suddenly self-conscious, Lara adjusted her own outfit, checking her reflection in the mirror. Too much eye shadow, blush and lip liner for her taste. Her dark hair was set with huge stiff waves and it was all she could do not to run her fingers through it, gather the mass together and cinch it back with an elastic band to get it out of her way.

They could pass for twins all right. It was terrifying. The look was glamorous, sophisticated. Not at all Lara.

Dette’s face appeared next to hers in the mirror as she fidgeted with the neckline of Lara’s blouse. “Not half bad. If you ever listened to me, you’d be able to make yourself look this sharp.”

“I listened, it just doesn’t work on me. I can’t keep clothes like this neat. My make-up smears, my hair won’t stay.”

“That’s because you’re always chasing around, sit still and it would be fine.”

Lara felt a pang of sadness for Dette. Always trying so hard to teach her how to be a lady. Hoping, in vain, that if she’d made little Lara perfect, their parents might want to spend more time with them instead of travel so much. But it didn’t work and when the Sinclairs left, Dette would try to bring them home as soon as possible…using any means necessary. With only eleven months separating them, Dette had no business trying to be a mother to her, trying to protect her, but she’d tried nonetheless.

Patting her sister’s hand at her shoulder, Lara smiled at her reflection. “The way I look works for me. After all, the third-graders certainly aren’t going to care. But it’s nice to see myself cleaned up sometimes too. Thank you.”

Dette cocked her head, wearing a pleased expression. Then she cleared her throat and tossed her hair back, practicing her most sincere smile of welcome, followed by the most transparent look of confusion ever. “Okay, I’m good to go. Sit tight and wait until we know. If he recognizes me, you need to move fast.” Dette was halfway out the door when she turned back and pulled Lara into a hug. “I so owe you for this.”

“Yes, you do.”


The sound of their steps ricocheted off the marble stairs, vaulted ceiling and mosaic tile floor of the main entrance hall. With doorways opening from the main hall in every direction, Cal could see himself lost in this place without too much difficulty. Maybe Lara would draw him a map to her room. A treasure map.

Girlish laughter echoed out from somewhere in the back of the house and died away. There were supposed to be thirty guests here now, but Cal had yet to cross paths with anyone. Of course, he was staying in the main house and there were two out buildings with guest quarters as well, but it felt strange to be surrounded by so much unoccupied space.

“So you want to take a tour now, or hit the terrace? We’ve got the bar stocked for you new arrivals.”

“Whatever’s fine with me.” Adam looked relaxed, at home in the Sinclair estate. Cal didn’t remember him being so smooth back in college but then, time had a way of changing everyone.

At the base of the stairs Adam grabbed his arm. “Hang back a sec, Cal. Here comes my lovely girl now.”

“Finally, the blushing bride—” Cal froze, mouth hanging open as the woman from Vegas pranced down the stairs not twenty feet from him. She smiled wide like she didn’t have a care in the world.

“What the hell, is this a joke?” Cal turned to Adam and, seeing the confused expression, his gut knotted with the immediate knowledge that whatever was going on, Adam had no idea.

“What are you talking about? This is Claudette Sinclair, my fiancée.” His eyes were hard, brows furrowed.
