Page 14 of Consumed

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The stormy expression darkening his face was replaced by one of curiosity and then interest. He bent, grazing her mouth with his lips, back and forth until she opened to him, inviting him to sink into her, take her with his tongue. When he did, she caressed him with her own, sucking lightly against him. His hands circled her waist and pulled her into the warm, hard planes of his body.

He pulled back and his mouth roamed around the line of her jaw, along the curve of her neck, his hands massaging her breasts as they made their way to her door.

Inside, she dropped the keys on the ground as Brian pulled her into his arms and licked around the edge of her ear, sucking the soft lobe between his teeth. Her head fell back and to the side, offering up more access to the sensitive skin he played with.

“What were you going to do?” he asked.

Her skin was on fire under his touch, a blaze frantic to burn stronger, begging to be fueled. The idea of him not being here brought a tightness to her chest. “I don’t know. But you’re here, so what does it matter?”

His roaming hands and exploring mouth released her. He stepped away. “Pretend I’m not.”

It was a command and the determined expectation behind it excited her. She looked up at him, biting her lip in contemplation of her would-be actions.

“I would have come into the apartment and put my keys on the table.” She walked over and picked them off the floor, depositing them in the small tray she kept for them.

He nodded. “And then? What do you do now? Tell me what you feel.”

“I’m disappointed. Upset. Frustrated. I needed you. I wanted to find you, make you touch me, fill me completely. Now, I’m home. I want to be touched, so I’ll…pretend…that I’m being touched by you.” She slid her hands under the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her breasts bounced free of the tight shirt. Her nipples, already erect and stimulated, bunched tighter in the cool air and under Brian’s rapt attention.

“It feels good to be free. I like to be naked.”

She rubbed her breasts and rolled her nipples between her fingers. Looking up from lowered lids at him, a coy smile played at her lips. “Sometimes, I like to be…restrained. But I can only admit that when I’m alone. Right now, I’m wishing you were here using some of my new toys on me. But I can’t wait for you to come…to make me come.”

She watched him watching her. His body was stiff; he looked like he couldn’t breathe. Not a muscle moving. She was his singular focus.

Sliding her hands back down over her ribs, abdomen and thighs, she wriggled out of the tight-fitting jeans and nestled her hands between her legs. Leaning back against the door, completely naked but for the black strappy heels that snaked around her calves, she spread her legs, and stroked herself, offering a clear view to Brian.

“I’m so wet. When I think about you, I can’t help it, I start to ache. So I have to touch myself, like this…” Her fingers caressed the swollen folds of her sex, spreading them open to explore. Sliding one finger around in the dripping juice, she withdrew it and raised it to a nipple, smearing the cream into the rosy bud. The musky scent filled her nostrils, exciting her all the more. She pulled at her tight nipple with the slick fingers of one hand while the other traced the long, wet crease of her sex. “Mmm, I’m so sensitive here…” she circled her erect clit and then slid down to her pussy hole, sinking one finger deep inside herself, “…but I’m throbbing here.” She pressed in and out, in and out, stroking her wet velvet interior. The coil of arousal wound tight within her as she touched herself. The solid door supported her back as she shivered with the pleasure of her own touch.

“So wet. I’m thinking of you teasing me with your fingers, making me tighten around you, throb for you. I’m so hot, so wet, my finger feels so good inside of me. I’m going to slide another one in now.” Already slick with her juices, she slid a second finger inside, doubling the intensity of her self invasion. She thrust into herself again and again, pressing in as far as her fingers would go. Her breath came in rapid puffs as her pleasure mounted, until she moaned, “I’m going to come soon, it feels good, wet, soft, so good.”

Her thrusts intensified and she brought her other hand down from her pointed nipple and worked over the tight bud of nerves, circling it tightly until she gasped, her knees nearly giving out on her. “I’m coming…” She thrust into herself. “I’m coming…”

She looked directly into Brian’s eyes as her inner walls contracted in pulses against her fingers and she let out a small cry.

He stayed where he was, a few feet away, his breathing ragged. He looked down at his white knuckles and slowly released his grip. When he spoke, his voice sounded rough.

“Was that enough? Do you feel like I’ve taken you? Will you be able to sleep now?”

Amber was still trying to slow her racing heart. She stood up from the door and began walking to the bedroom, shaking her head.

“No. I need more.”

Though she didn’t look back, the sound of his footsteps behind her and soft thud of his clothing against the hardwood floors told her she would be getting it, too.

She was in the shower, washing him off her. Getting rid of him. Had that become the habit already? He caught himself thinking about Amber in the context of the long-term every now and then, but then shook it off and reminded himself that this was not some love story unraveling between the sheets. It was the smacking together of sweaty flesh with an incomparable excellence. She was an awesome fuck, and he simply hadn’t had his fill of her yet. He almost wished he could beat himself up for thinking that way about any woman, but in this case, it was clearly a mutual truth.

He raked his fingers through his matted, sweaty hair and pulled his jeans on over his boxers. What was he doing here? He hadn’t been able to stay away. Tonight, it had felt imperative that he be with her. To know what she was doing. Make sure she wasn’t with anyone but him. When she hadn’t been there, he’d decided to wait. There was no way he could let her bring another man home to touch her, get inside of her. Not until they were through. Who was he kidding? Not until she told him she was through with him.

What had she done to him?

Yanking the tee-shirt over his head, he looked for his sweater but didn’t see it. Maybe it was still out in the living room. He’d thought he’d gathered up everything, but now he couldn’t see it. And for some reason, his being out of the apartment by the time Amber was through with the shower seemed an unspoken expectation. Before she’d mustered the strength to get off the floor, she’d brushed the hair from his forehead and told him she was glad he’d come. It was a clear message for him to be gone by the time she finished.

Stuffing his feet into his sneakers and jamming his socks into his pockets, he did a quick check around for his lost sweater. The shower turned off and he hopped on one foot toward the door, trying to lace the shoe and still get out. It seemed worse to leave when she was standing there. And part of him wondered if he’d even be able to. No matter what their relationship had turned into, he seemed to find it impossible to want to get away from her.

At the door, he turned back and looked around at the space he was vacating. Suddenly, he noticed things he hadn’t seen before. The novels lying open on the coffee table, tattered cookbooks stuffed with sticky flags on the counter, a corkboard by the closet tacked with photos of Amber and her friends. Some of the snapshots even went back as far as high school. She was beautiful then, as she was now. But shy and quiet. Someone he smiled to in the hall, because he liked to see her smile back. A noise from the back of the apartment reminded him of his effort to be gone by the time she was done showering. Quietly, he left, making sure the door would lock behind him.
