Page 2 of Consumed

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She nodded. “I know Danny, too. Great beer, great food. It’s fun.”

“So, it’s a date.”

Amber felt the heat rise in her cheeks and quickly looked out the window at the passing terrain. Suddenly it felt as if nothing were passing her by. A date with Brian. “So it is.”

Chapter Two

Brian pulled up five minutes early and waited for the clock to run out. His sisters would have killed him if it ever came to light that he’d arrived for a date even one minute early. On time, they’d drilled, and he’d listened. By the way Brian figured it, if the woman he wanted agreed to go out with him, he damn well better be on time. And he wanted Amber. She’d been pretty in high school, but the years had filled in the curves and darkened the hollows. Now she was gorgeous. And she’d made him laugh inside of thirty seconds. Not the kind of laughter that a best girl pal offered, but the kind that made him want to drag her off to bed and then talk with her for the rest of the night. Smart, funny, beautiful and sexy as all get out. Hell yes he wanted her.

He’d had a bad run in the past six months. With most of his time spent focusing on work, the only dates he’d been out on were set-ups by the bozos at the office. The guys were well intentioned, but their taste in women was for shit. The hair color varied from girl to girl, but the vacant stare and subtly confused or bored smile seemed a standard. No thanks. He’d finally made it clear—when he was ready for a date, he’d find one on his own. And look at who he found.

The conversation with Amber, after he’d secured her company for the evening, had only gotten better. She had an intelligent, teasing, flirtatious way about her and by the time she stepped off the train, he’d found himself staring out the window after her receding form, praying she hadn’t noticed the swell in his pants as the ride went on. He didn’t want her to get the idea he was just some horny creep. He was horny, but it was all her. Amber.

Shit. His cock was getting hard again just thinking about her. It was six fifty-nine and he needed to get Mr. Happy under control before he got to her front door. Steering his brain toward the unsexy, he thought of fishing. Gutting fish. That was it.

Sliding through that soft flesh—no.

Gross. Get your head out of it.

By the time he made it up the stairs to her door, he’d worked his thought process through the Home Shopping Network, taxidermy and what he’d found the last time he’d cleaned out the vegetable drawer in his fridge. Disgusting. With his hard-on under control, he knocked.

The door opened and Amber stepped back to let him in. “You made it. Long time no see.”

“Yeah,” Brian fumbled, suddenly at a loss. “You know your security door doesn’t latch? I hope it’s okay that I just came up.”

“Perfectly fine. I’ve been waiting for you…I mean, I was expecting you.” She laughed, looking shy. “You know what I mean.”

They stared at each other. Amber had changed into a short black tank top which left her hard stomach accessible for viewing and a long loose skirt hung low on her shapely hips. She’d let her hair down. Unbelievable. The long mass of gold curled below her shoulders, stopping right above her breasts. Her lips, pouty and full, were painted a darker brown and she’d put some make-up around her jade green eyes. Sexy. So much for the vegetable drawer.

“Are those for me?” she looked down at the small bouquet of flowers he carried.

“Yes. Wow. You look incredible.” He handed her the flowers. Their fingers touched lightly as she took the bouquet, their gazes met and held. He could see her breathing, feel his own chest rising and falling at an increasing rate. Her lips parted slightly and then closed, as though she too were feeling the incredible pull between them. Mesmerized by her every curve and valley, he wanted to strip her and take her on the floor. Get her underneath him. God, it was going to be impossible to keep his hands off her.

“Thank you,” she said a little breathlessly as her gaze drifted over him in turn. “I’ll get these in some water and then we can get out of


She walked back through the open living room to the kitchen, divided only by the wide breakfast bar. His eyes trailed the gentle swing of her skirt as he followed.

“This is a great space. Makes my apartment look downright austere.”

“It’s a rehab. So far, my apartment is the only one finished. The landlord got the crew cheap, but the guys can only work weekday mornings, so it’s taking a while to get the other two apartments done. I’m living in this big building all by myself for now.”

She bent down to a retrieve a vase from a lower cabinet and her cropped tank pulled up her back, revealing a tantalizing stretch of skin. Brian wanted to come up behind her, flip up her skirt and rub his cock against her ass. It was perfectly round and, from the trousers she’d been wearing earlier, he knew it was tight and hard. Taking a deep breath, he wondered how he was going to get through dinner without crawling under the table and pressing his face between her legs.

Wiping the excess water off the yellow vase, Amber set the flowers in the windowsill and turned around, leaning back against the sink. Her eyes were intense, hungry, as she faced him. Her chest rose and fell in a strained rhythm, matching his own. Sexual anticipation flowed between them like a current, increasing as the seconds ticked past.

Amber broke the silence with a throaty whisper. “We might not have anything in common.” Her hands ran lightly against her hips and thighs.

Brian walked toward her. “I think we might have something in common.”

“Maybe we should wait. See how it goes.”

“Maybe we should.” He closed the distance between them so his body was only inches from hers. He could feel the heat radiating off her. See the desire in her eyes. This close, she smelled like lilacs.

“I suppose we could consider this some kind of compatibility test,” she breathed, her eyes focused on his mouth.

“See whether you even want to go out with me after?” He traced her collarbone with the pad of his thumb, her skin was warm and soft.
