Page 7 of Consumed

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orter in the same clothes she’d been out in.

“Aggh,” she groaned throwing off the covers and sitting up in bed. Enough wallowing. Life moved on. One thing Amber had learned and would never forget: fantasies weren’t worth waiting for. This broken dream wouldn’t hold her down for another second.

Eric had to be dealt with and that wouldn’t be pretty. She’d told him goodnight from the sidewalk in front of her building and had made plans to see him that afternoon. It was time to make the assumed break-up official. The emotional investment in the relationship had always been out of balance. Typically, Amber couldn’t feel what he felt. Then he transferred to New York and the affair had ended easily enough. Or so she’d thought. Though why Eric imagined that he was her “boyfriend” after a month without speaking to her, she had no idea. Whatever the reason, when Eric belted his former status out it gave her a chance to see Brian’s true colors before she found out the hard way—sitting by the phone and waiting in vain for it to ring. Better to discover the truth early than to realize she was the only one spellbound and stupid. Prince Charming had been ready to wash his hands of her. Fuck-and-chuck-style. Asshole.

Well, she would scrub him from her memory. Pretend Brian Matthers was nothing more than the high school boy she used to pine for. She should have known the whole bourgeoning romance was all an act. No one was that good. It was her own damn fault for wanting to be proven wrong. It had all been sex. If only he’d been straight with her about it, instead of playing head games, she would have jumped into bed with him anyway. He was her damn fantasy man! The opportunity of a lifetime, she thought, with a bitterness rising in her throat.

As angry as she was, physically he’d been worth pining for, she grudgingly conceded with a quiver at the memory of the night before. She could still feel the lingering sensations of his presence within her, still smell the scent of his subtle cologne on her skin and clothes.

A shower was definitely in order.

Once the hot stream was pounding against her skin, soothing the tension gathered in the muscles of her back, she stared into nothingness, wishing the water could loosen the tight hold of hurt in her heart.

Screw him.

Well, she’d been there and done that. And it had been amazing. Was it just the unbelievable physical compatibility between them that was confusing her? When he’d touched her, it had been electric. She’d never had a man give her such powerful orgasms before. She would have sworn it was the same for him.

He thought she was a slut for all but demanding he fuck her in the middle of a crowded club. But who cared, that was one fantasy he had fulfilled. Just the thought of it was turning her on again. The crowd around them, clueless as to what they were doing. She’d tried so hard to keep her face blank, but when that man turned and looked her in the eye… Her breath hitched at the thought of Brian’s thick cock pushing inside of her. He was so big. That kind of penetration was something she’d never had before, either.

Her fingers nestled between her legs. There was no way she’d be able to give herself that kind of satisfaction without a bigger dildo or some special toys. If she wanted to get over it, then a few presents for herself would help. She’d hit the internet as soon as she finished her shower, and then she’d deal with Eric.

“It’s not a hangover.” Brian held his head in his hands as he sat at his kitchen table. He felt hung-over, but he hadn’t had enough booze the night before to merit the diagnosis. His discomfort was something else altogether.

Neil snorted. “Well you sure look like shit. What’s up then?”

“Nothing. Maybe you’re right, it’s just too much of the drink.” He didn’t want to get into the details of the night before with his neighbor. Neil was a great guy and the two men shared personal information freely, but Brian didn’t want to deal with this himself, let alone confess it out loud to a friend. Cheating was something Brian had no tolerance for. He respected commitment and, unlike many of the guys he knew, felt the same way about stepping into someone else’s relationship as he did about stepping out on his own. He just didn’t do it.

He always asked women if they were single before asking them on a date. How had he gotten to the point where his dick was coated in Amber’s cream before finding out she had a boyfriend? He felt like crap.

The worst part of it was, for every minute he spent with his stomach knotted up with guilt, he spent another trying to keep his dick from getting hard while he thought about the way she felt around him.

Neil spun a kitchen chair around backwards and swung a leg over it to sit.

“So it’s not a hangover.” He stared across the table at Brian, wearing the smirk of a man who knew. “Which means a chick must have messed with you something terrible. You know what I say about that: One bucks you, the next one fucks you.”

“This isn’t an issue of getting laid.”

“Sort of doubted it was. Not your style. But it is a girl.”

Brian sighed, staring past his friend at nothingness. “She was amazing. We went to high school together, but didn’t really know each other. Met on the train last night and hit it off, I mean, it was intense and immediate. She talks and I forget about everything else on the planet. I can’t stop looking at her. She’s beautiful. She’s smart. She’s so fucking sexy, I can’t see anything but her. And then, after we spend an incredible night together—”

“Together?” Neil raised his eyebrows as he made obscene hand gestures to verify.

Brian’s shoulders slumped. No sense denying it. The sex was the biggest problem. “Yes, we had sex. A few times. Being with her—it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. She was so free and confident and racy and… And then her boyfriend showed up, back early from his trip to New York.”

Neil leaned back nodding. “So she’s gotten to you, but she’s a cheater, and worse than that, she made you a cheater, too. Been to church yet?”

“Picked up the coffee and paper on my way back.”

“Do any good?”

“No, I had to leave because I kept getting stiff thinking about her.”

Neil bowed his head into the back of the chair, his forehead turning red as his shoulders bunched.

“Don’t laugh, man. This isn’t funny.”
