Page 15 of Captivate

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We all stand in silence for a moment because we know exactly what he means. Omegas are thought of as property, at least to some Alphas. The cop would’ve used her in the most awful way possible, and then thrown her in a cell until a pack was ready to claim her.

“Drink,” I say quickly before the mood darkens any further. I pass around the glasses, and Levi, Miles, and I all down ours immediately. I relish the sweet burn as it goes down my throat. Thane, on the other hand, stares into the amber liquid of his tumbler, deep in thought.

Finally, he addresses us. “As difficult as the situation has become, you did the right thing, Miles. I can’t say that any of the rest of us wouldn’t have done the same.”

Miles nods, visibly relaxing save for his fingers still drumming on the island.

I realize the muscles of his biceps are actually twitching, and he keeps shifting from side to side. All of his ‘tells.’ I hide a ferocious grin. Miles needs to be taken care of, and quickly.

The Omega’s got him more riled up than I’ve ever seen him.

“So, what now?” asks Levi, looking around nervously. “I mean, we are all obviously attracted to her, more so than any other unmated Omega we’ve been around.”

None of us object to his observation. Through the pack bonds, we can feel each other’s emotions, and right now, I’d say we are all in a state of confused arousal, even Thane, though his is punctuated by wariness and he’s working to hide his true feelings from the rest of us.

Sometimes I wonder if he regrets allowing himself to be bonded to this pack. Since the bonds between a pack naturally occur over a period of time together, it would’ve been difficult to prevent, but not impossible if he’d wanted to remain separate from the rest of us. He likes his privacy, but I know he loves us more.

Our pack Alpha finally drinks his shot of bourbon, swallowing hard. He puts the glass down on the island with a clunk. “She’ll have to stay here,” he says like he’s sentencing himself to a life without parole. “Otherwise, we’ll be throwing her to the wolves. But we’ve talked about this, guys. We all agreed we don’t want an Omega. We aren’t ready. Besides, we can’t force her to be ours.” He palms his jaw, inhaling shakily. “There are ways around registration issues, if it comes down to that.”

He means money, and lots of it. His family has so much money that this whole house could be plated in gold and diamonds, and they would still have an overflowing bank account.

He purses his lips, nods as though he’s made a decision. “We’ll talk to her when she wakes up. But no one touches her, not without her permission. No one bonds with her. We all need to agree on it, unanimously. We’ve made it this far together that way. We all agree, or none of us do.”

I nod in agreement. It is only fair, and it’s how we’ve managed the pack—and our friendships—the entire time we’ve known each other.

“I know it will be difficult to have an unmated Omega in our house. If you get worked up—” Thane shoots a knowing glare at Miles. “You know how to take care of it. “

“Lube and a close friend,” I offer with a wink. Miles’s jaw works at my suggestion.

Thane rolls his eyes and backs away from the island. “I’m going back to the study. Come get me if she wakes up.” With that, he disappears down the hall, back to his secret lair or whatever he has back there. I know it’s just a library, but he spends all his time back there doing mopey, Thane things, like some sort of endocrinologist Batman.

I wrap a hand around Miles’s bicep and tug him toward the stairs. “Come on,” I say in an overly eager voice that doesn’t fool him at all. “You need Foxin.’ ”

Miles doesn’t protest my rough handling. He follows me up the stairs and into my room. His body is thrumming with tension, his pheromones wafting off him like cologne.

As soon as the door closes behind us, I place my hands on Miles’ chest and shove him onto my king-sized bed. His brown eyes widen as he looks up at me. “Fox, I’m fine,” he says, but he isn’t fooling anyone. I can already see the gleam of lust shining over his eyes.

I flash him a feral smile. “You’re too worked up. You’ve been around an unmated Omega for hours and anyone can see you’re losing your damn mind. Even if she’s not in heat, the attraction is there, and it’s strong.”

His eyes flare, full of pent-up lust, frustration, and a little bit of anger. We Alphas have an innate sense that when we want something, it should be ours, no matter what, and if that gets denied? You don’t want to be around us. It makes us selfish bastards. Horny ones, too.

“Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it?” he challenges with a head jerk toward his groin. Everyone thinks Miles is the mild Alpha just because he likes books and knowledge and shit. But none of it’s true. Miles is justasAlphaas the rest of us if he needs to be. And if we weren’t such good friends, I’d be a little intimidated by the look in his eyes, all fury and lust. But we’ve done this dance before. We know each other inside and out, emotionally and physically.

“I’ve got you,” I say, but the evil grin I give him is nowhere as sweet as my words. I toe my boots off and lean over him on the bed. Miles growls, low and deep in his chest, and I return it with one of my own growls that vibrates my lungs.

I kiss him mercilessly, biting his lip hard enough to leave a bruise. He fists my t-shirt, pulling me closer to him. Already, his cock is tenting his jeans, ready to burst. I work my tongue across his lips, invading his mouth. His hands reach around and grab my ass, fingers like claws as he digs into the denim. When I pull back to examine his face, his eyes are wild and frantic. This isn’t a romantic coupling, not with his pheromones so stirred up like this. Hell, I don’t even know if Miles isMilesat this point. He’s more unfettered than I’ve ever seen him.

I wriggle down the bed as he tears off his own shirt. God, he’s gorgeous. He doesn’t have the bulk like I do, but his muscles are defined and cut. A trail of whisper fine hair travels down his abs, leading right to my next destination. I rip open the button of his jeans and yank down his zipper, jerking down his pants and boxers enough to let his cock spring out.

“What have we here?” I tease before I lean in and swipe my tongue around the head. We groan in tandem like a fucking choir. He tastes amazing: salty and heady. When I look up at him, his normally gentle eyes are intense on mine, and he waves an impatient hand. “Don’t tease,” he growls, and I have to fight my laughter.

“So impatient,” I mutter before I swallow him down whole. I flatten my tongue as best I can and lick up the prominent vein that swirls down his length. His cock twitches, the head throbbing and red.

“Fox,” he gasps, his hands tangling so tight into my hair that the leather tie holding the bun there comes loose and the wavy sun-stained strands drop, tickling against his groin as I bob my head. “Just like that. Keep… keep going.”

I could be truly evil right now. I could tease him with short fluttering licks, edge him over and over for hours until he’s begging me to let him come. But the wild look in his eyes and the way he’s grinding against my lips makes me think that’s not a good idea.

I pull my mouth up his length, lapping the sensitive underside of his cock as his knot begins to swell.
