Page 37 of Captivate

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She tilts her head back, grinning at me before stepping into the stream and letting me work the bubbles from her dark hair. As soon as the last bit is out, I lean forward and take her mouth in an urgent kiss. Her hand returns to my cock, and she continues that perfect rhythm. I pull her to me so we are chest to chest, her breasts shiny with water and soap. I dip my fingers into her core, feeling her slick mixed with the water.

She cries out as I circle her clit, and I watch her face intently, testing what pressure and rhythm she likes. All the while, she jerks me until intense pressure causes my entire body to tremble. My knot swells, aching in its pressure for release and Riley, maybe instinctively, wraps her palm around it like a pro, dropping to her knees as she gently squeezes the hard bulge of it and slips the tip of my cock into her hot mouth.

I come within seconds, shooting into the back of her throat as she drinks me down almost greedily. When I finish trembling, she looks up at me through the stream of water, blinking, and I nod, knowing what she wants to know.

“You did so good, Riley.”

She glows, grinning, and I reach down to wipe the last traces of me from her lower lip, but instead she sucks my thumb into her mouth, making me start to harden all over again.

Shuddering, I hook my fingers gently beneath her jaw, keeping my thumb in her mouth, to guide her back to standing, pulling her close so that I can finish what I started with my other hand.

She gasps against my thumb in her mouth as I speed up my movements, She throws her head back, my thumb dislodged for her mouth to open in a silent scream as she comes apart in my arms.

We catch our breath, and she stares up at me with wonder, a slow, drunk smile spreading on her lush lips. “That was… so much better than I imagined.”

I kiss her forehead, the smell of her wet skin mixing with the luxury shampoo driving me to the brink of madness. “Mmmm,” I murmur into her wet hair, pushing us both beneath the stream of water to try to distract myself. “Best shower I’ve ever had.”

“Agreed,” she says with a cheeky laugh that rumbles against my collarbone.

We wash ourselves quickly after that, and when we get out, I wrap her in the fluffy robe I had delivered for her the day before. It swims a little on her tiny frame, but she sighs as if I’ve covered her in pure silk.

“I love this robe,” she says, her smile waning, her happiness somehow tainted by whatever thought just passed through her head. I wished I could tear it out, roots and all, burn it for good.

“You’re too good to me,” she says sheepishly, no longer meeting my eyes.

“You deserve to be spoiled. Come on, let’s go lie down. It’s still early.” I guide her into the bedroom, my hand possessively on the small of her back. “What are you planning to do today?”

Riley’s face brightens again, and I know I’ve asked the right question. “I’m going to work on my book some more,” she says. “The one that’s all mine, not any of the ghostwriting.” Excited by her own words, Riley snags her laptop from the desk. She hugs it to her chest and heads over to the bed. “Could I ask you a favor? I wouldn’t mind…” Her face darkens a little with an adorable blush. “I wouldn’t mind if we snuggled a bit more. It relaxes me.”

It’s official. This Omega owns my entire heart.

“As you wish.”

She beams at me with that sunshine smile, and I climb back on the bed, settling into her nest. I hold my arms wide open, and she falls into them as if she were made to be there. She cuddles against my chest while still leaving room for her hands to type. Immediately, her hands start flying over the keyboard as she fills the page with words.

“Can I look?” I ask after a moment, and she stiffens against me. “Or not. If you don’t want me to.”

“Not yet,” she mumbles. “It’s not ready. But when it is, I promise you can read it. It’s just so much different than what I usually write. It’s not the usual romantic fluff. This one feels more raw, more real.” She pauses, her violet eyes meeting mine. “More true to life.”

“I can’t wait,” I say, and I feel like I’m anticipating more than just her book. I feel like with her book, I’ll get my answer to whether she will stay with us and let us claim her as our own. Until then, she dives back into her work. We stay like that, enjoying the moment until the alarm on my phone goes off with a clinical beep.

“I’ve got to get ready for work,” I say with a sigh. “I have a video call in a half hour with a client.”

Riley glances up at me, her bottom lip slightly pouted out. I rub my thumb across it, and she shivers. “You really have to go?”

“I really do. They’re in Berlin, so the time difference means early meetings.” I lean into her, letting our mouths naturally meet. She lets out a little moan that instantly makes my dick hard again, but I can’t do anything about that, not now. “Mmmm, sweetheart. If I didn’t have this meeting, we wouldn’t be leaving this bed at all. I’d keep you here all day until you were too wrung out with pleasure to move.”

She lets out an adorable little squeak, and I climb out of the bed before I do anything else, like flip her onto her belly and take her from behind. I think she’d love that. “You keep working, okay? But remember to take breaks. And drink water. And get some breakfast. And—”

“I’ll be fine, Miles,” she says with an eye roll, sinking back into the pillows. “I’ll take care of myself. But thank you.”

I stare at her delicious body for a few moments more before I adjust my erection, wrap a bath towel around me, and head out through the door. After going to my room, I drop the towel and put on a simple button-up shirt. Riley left a hickey just near my collarbone, and it pains me to cover it up. I like that she marked me as hers, even if the bruise is fading quickly. Still, I don’t think my client in Berlin would want to see it, so I dutifully button the shirt all the way to the collar.

I pull on my dress pants—even if it is a video call from the waist up, I want to look professional—and when I’m satisfied with the reflection in the mirror, I head downstairs for coffee.

Thane is waiting in the kitchen, sipping his own coffee. His dark eyes track me as I enter, and his face is unreadable. Through the bonds, his tension comes through, instantly making me antsy by proxy. “I have a meeting in twenty minutes,” I say as I make my own coffee, hoping to ward off any major discussions.

“I don’t need more than that,” he says.
