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There’s no way I can do this again.

Just as I step into the hallway, he says, “I know your mom is fucking Pembroke.”

A strange paralysis takes hold as air gets wedged at the back of my throat, making it impossible to breathe. My wide gaze flies to his just in time to see the triumphant smile flash across his face.

“It’d be a real shame if that got out.”

“You would do that?” I croak.

One dark brow slinks upward. “What? Expose a secret you didn’t want anyone to know about?” There’s an uncomfortable beat of silence. “Damn right I would. I told you this morning that I’d make you pay, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. Did you really think you could fuck me over and get away with it?”

“I told—”

His hand slices through the air. “Save it. You’ve been exposed for the liar you are.”

Now that I’m no longer running away, he rises leisurely to his feet. I remain in place, powerless to move. My heartbeat picks up tempo as he eats up the distance that separates us.

When we’re standing toe to toe, his fingers slip beneath my chin.

“Do you have any idea how crazy it’ll drive him to see you with me?”

“You don’t have to do this,” I whisper.

The hard glint grows in his eyes. “Actually, I do.” There’s a beat of silence. “Were you serious about Jasper never fucking that sweet pussy?”

Heat scorches my cheeks as I glance away.

“Eyes on me,” he growls, tightening his grip.

My gaze snaps to his.

“I want an answer.”

It takes effort to force out the word. “Yes.”

His white teeth flash in the sunlight that slants in through the window. “All the bragging he did and here the guy couldn’t even close the deal.” His voice dips. “Can you imagine how fucking much it’ll kill him to think that I got to you first? That I’m enjoying what he’ll never have?”

The thought makes me sick to my stomach. “Austin—”

My voice dies away as his mouth ghosts over mine. His warm breath inundates my senses, making it impossible to think straight. Like a magnet, my body unconsciously sways toward his. I jerk away before we can collide.

That’s all it takes for shame to flood through me.

His lips quirk at the corners as if he’s aware of the internal battle being waged within.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Delilah,” he says, taking a step in retreat.

My fingers rise to my lips, feathering over them in disbelief.

What’s wrong with me?

How can I long for his kisses when I’m nothing more than a pawn in his game?

My heart slams painfully against my ribcage as I force my feet into movement and race through the hallway and down the stairs before flying through the heavy front door to the car.

Even from the driveway, his soft chuckles echo darkly in my ears.

