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That’s when I realize the time. I’m twenty minutes late picking her up from school. It doesn’t feel like I’ve been here for more than a half an hour. Instead, almost ninety minutes have sped past.

Austin slips his finger from my body as I scramble off his lap. My chest heaves as my eyes latch onto his. I expect a full-fledged smirk to be lifting the corners of his lips. Instead, his mouth is set in a grim line. Almost as if he’s as irritated with my mother’s poor timing as I am.

He reaffirms my suspicions when he growls, “Let her know that she cheated both of us out of your orgasm.”

Laughter wells inside my throat.

I can’t imagine saying something like that to my mom.

She’d keel over.

Before I can tell him that I will most definitelynotbe apprising her of what I’ve been up to, Austin lifts the same finger that had just been buried inside my body to his lips before sucking it inside. His eyelids sink as a hum of pleasure vibrates in his broad chest.

My mouth tumbles open as a fresh wave of shock crashes over me. I’m almost ashamed to admit that a burst of arousal detonates deep inside my core before leaking onto my thighs. Pressing them together does nothing to stymie the sharp shaft of need rushing through me.

“Just like I suspected—delicious.”

Oh god.

“Now that I’ve had a taste, I’m going to need more.”

When he rises to his feet, my gaze drops to his shorts. It would be impossible not to notice the massive boner that tents the athletic material. My mind tumbles back to yesterday and the way he strutted around naked. Not that I have anything to compare the length of his cock to, but it had seemed longer and thicker than what I imagined. There’d been a few times whenJasper grabbed my hand and forced me to touch him through his jeans. He didn’t feel anywhere near as big as Austin.

I’m jarred from those thoughts when the phone rings again. This time, I don’t bother glancing at the screen.

“I have to go.”

Afraid he’ll find a way to detain me, I fly into the hallway and down the staircase before grabbing the handle and practically ripping the door off its hinges. Once the cool autumn breeze slaps at my overheated cheeks, I gulp in a big breath and pray it clears my head so I can once again think straight.

It doesn’t.

Not even close.

As I start the engine and shift into gear, my gaze is drawn to the front porch. My eyes widen when I find Austin leaning casually against the doorframe with my panties dangling from one finger.

The very same finger that had been buried deep inside the warmth of my body.

This time, the smirk curving his lips is unmistakable.


Dread pools at the bottom of my belly as Mom turns onto the campus of Hawthorne Prep. While I’ve never felt as if I fit in, I never felt unsafe. Like my wellbeing was threatened by the other students who attend this school.

That’s no longer the case.

I glance at my mother, wishing it were possible to confide in her. So much has changed in such a short period of time. And none of it is good. Other than breaking up with my boyfriend, she has no idea what else is going on.

Yesterday after third hour, I turned the corner in the hallway and caught Mom talking with Jasper. His head had been bent as if he was in need of consoling, and even from the distance that separated us, I could see the sympathy filling her blue eyes before she pulled him in for a quick hug.

Why is she so blinded by him?

After a couple months of us being together, I discovered that Jasper had a Jekyll and Hyde personality. He acts one way in front of adults and another with his peers. And if he doesn’t like you…

Watch out.
