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But I can’t say that.


As soon as the soft word escapes from me, his hands loosen before falling away. It’s both a relief and devastating all at the same time. I don’t understand how it’s possible to feel so strongly about someone I barely know.

Once I’ve been set free, I slowly back away.

With a tilt to his head, he watches me. “There’s only so long that you can run.”

Goosebumps ripple across my flesh like a wave.

What does he mean?

From him?

Or Jasper?

I gulp. “That’s not what I’m doing.”

He takes a step toward me, eating up the distance between us. “Isn’t it?”


“If you say so.”

I straighten my spine. “I do.”

“Seems like you’re running from what you feel.”

My step falters and my eyes widen. There are times when Austin stares at me that it feels like he can see straight down to my soul. I don’t understand it. And if I’m being truthful with myself, he’s right. It’s why I’ve gone to such lengths to steer clear of him. He sees things that I’m not necessarily comfortable with.

I hold Jasper at a distance, but this is the boy I run from.

Instead of responding to the comment, I say, “I have to go.”

With that, I flee down the corridor, putting as much space between what I witnessed in the copy room and the boy who makes me want things that aren’t possible.


Achilly breeze whips through the football stadium as I climb the bleacher steps with a bottle of water from the concession stand. It’s halftime and the Hawthorne Hawks are down by seven. You can feel the intensity of the cheering crowd as it rachets up with each second that ticks by on the clock.

Jasper is off his game. On the last play before the second quarter ended, he was sacked by a defensive end.


I rip my gaze away from the field as the team returns from the locker room for the second half and find Summer Hawthorne waving me down. She’s sitting next to Everly Donahue. Much like the Hawthorne twins, Everly moved here at the beginning of the academic year. My guess is that these two have bonded over their newbie status. I know exactly what it’s like to be an outsider at HP, so I’m glad they have each other.

Both are nice and seem down to earth. They’re a breath of fresh air when compared to the other girls at this school. My gaze unconsciously slides to Sloane and her crew. I arrived at the same time as the girl gang and ended up getting swept along with them.

When I lift my hand to return the greeting, she signals for me to join them. I nibble my lower lip and chance another peek at Sloane. It’s doubtful the blonde will notice my absence.

If she does, there’ll be hell to pay.

Summer and Sloane are like oil and water. They don’t mix. From the gossip I’ve heard swirling through the halls, they got into a fight in the girls’ bathroom about a month or so ago. Apparently, there was hair pulling and claws. I give Summer a lot of credit for standing up to the popular blonde. She’s a hell of a lot braver than I could ever be.

Instead of heading back to my spot, I detour to where the other two girls are hanging out. As I slide past a couple of other students, Summer pats the empty seat next to her.
