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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

That’s exactly what I was doing.

I’m happy that Summer has found someone who loves her so completely. Kingsley is strong and so is she. They’re a perfect match.

If there’s a kernel of envy blooming at the bottom of my belly, I ignore it. I’ve never been prone to jealousy. If I were, Hawthorne Prep would be an even more miserable place since everyone here is loaded.

But to have a real relationship with someone who gets me, someone I could share my hopes and dreams with, someone whohad my back, a partner, that would be nice. For a short period of time, I thought I’d found that with Jasper.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

So, am I a little bit jealous for the first time in my life of what someone else has?

Maybe I am.

I shift my gaze and realize that Everly is wearing a wistful expression as well. It makes me wonder why she isn’t dating anyone. When she first arrived, she stirred quite a bit of interest. Strangely enough, it seems like all the guys who were flirting with her in the beginning have backed off.

Almost as if someone deliberately scared them away.

Once practice wraps up, the three of us rise to our feet and grab our backpacks before making our way to the track that circles the field. I’m thankful that most of the tension has dissolved. I can only hope that the tentative peace we’ve managed to find lasts.

As I wait for Austin to finish up in the locker room, I feel the stares from the other girls directed my way. Now that I’m with Summer and Everly, I don’t feel quite so alone. That’s always been the hardest part about being at Hawthorne Prep—the loneliness.

The feeling of not fitting in or belonging.

“Did you want to grab something to eat after this?” Everly asks. “I’m starving and Dad probably won’t be making an appearance anytime soon, so I’ll be on my own for dinner as usual.”

Summer glances at her phone. “Wish I could, but I’ve got too much homework.”

A smirk curves her lips. “Yeah, sure. I think there’s something else you want to study.”

Summer’s cheeks pinken before she uses her elbow to jab her friend in the side.

Everly laughs before the happy sound dies on her lips as Duke joins us.

Her blue-green eyes turn guarded as she folds her arms tightly across her chest. It would be impossible not to notice the way the atmosphere shifts with his imposing presence.

“Hey,” I say in a friendly tone, wanting to defuse the strange tension that vibrates in the air.

He gives me a chin lift in greeting before doing the same to Summer. Then his gaze narrows on Everly, and his eyes harden. The edges of his lips curl into a snarl as the two stay locked in a silent battle of wills. My gaze bounces between them, only now realizing there’s a problem.

That’s when an uncomfortable silence descends, blanketing the four of us.

Just as it grows stifling, I clear my throat. “Did you need something?”

He rips his attention away from Everly long enough to say, “I thought you might want a ride home.”

We don’t live far from each other, and sometimes he drops me off when I’ve needed a ride. I’ve always appreciated the way he looks out for me.

Before I can respond, a thickly muscled arm snakes around my body, hauling me close as I’m inundated with a fresh masculine scent.

“That’s not necessary, Carmichael. I’ve got her.”

Duke glares at Austin for a long, uncomfortable moment before refocusing on me. His voice softens. “Is that the case?”

“You heard me say that it was,” Austin snaps.

Duke takes a menacing step toward us. The blond lacrosse player is just as tall and broad as Austin. Honestly, he might be a bit bigger. Other than that, they’re evenly matched. “Is it a problem if I want to hear it from Delilah?”
