Page 10 of Luke, The Profiler

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“That’s because he never was one.” Grimly I ignored the bait he’d thrown out about my father and HEG. Clearly he was fishing for a reaction, but that was one show I’d never put on for him. “We never had that sort of relationship, because we see each other as siblings.”

“Siblings? Really?”

“Yes. I love Kels, but the mere thought of having sex with him makes me want to vomit.” Leaning back against Timothy, I finally dragged my phone out, accessed my favorite social media app, and scrolled through the DMs.


Just… fuckingshit.

How many dick pics could one man take?

It was strange, though. Interspersed among the pictures of this dude’s junk were delicate photos of all sorts of flowers, primarily roses. There was even one with a butterfly perched on a pink rose with wings held in a way that made them look heart-shaped.

But mostly, there were dick pics.

“You really didn’t know, did you?” He leaned against the car next to me, and I could feel the weight of his gaze sliding over my face. And there it was, the sum and substance of this man’s considerable power—even his gaze could be crushing. “Careful, Eden. You’re showing me glimpses of an honest reaction. The world might come to an end.”

“I bet you think you’re funny.”

“Hilarious, actually. Don’t you?”

“I’m too polite to answer that.”

“Stop being polite, already. And it wouldn’t kill you to crack a smile, would it?”

That earned him an eye-roll. “Oh no, you didn’t just say that.”

“Say what?”

“Every girl justlovesit when a man tells her she should smile more. You know that, right?”

That earned me a low chuckle. “I know I won’t stop until I find out what makes you smile.”

“Why? Because girls who smile are prettier than girls who don’t, and that’s the main reason we exist in your world—to be pretty?”

“You’re a woman, not a girl, and I want to find ways to make you smile for one single purpose—knowing I’ve pleased you.”

My eyes snapped to his. A fever flashed over my whole body to pool at that place between my thighs, and suddenly all I wanted to do was touch his face. “Are you hitting on me?”

“Trust me, when I hit on you, you won’t have to ask. Now, tell me what you think about your dick pics.”

“They’re notmine, for one.” The quick change of subject left me flatfooted and flustered—no doubt exactly what he wanted. Because of that, I tried my best to focus on what was on my phone and not how discouraged I was that he’d just been toying with me in an effort to get past my defenses. “What I want to know is, how can anyone take a picture of the same object, from the same angle, over and over again, and not get bored? I mean, I get that his intention was probably to scare me. But all this does is make me feel vaguely sorry for him and his obvious lack of a social life. Well, and it also inspires me to keep my hedge clippers nearby. You know—snip-snip—just in case.” Then I heard my words echo back to me.

His intention…


My stalker hadn’t started out with dick pics. He’d started out with deadly threats.

When had his intentions changed?

When hadhechanged?

“Whether he knows it or not, he’s a slave to his own obsessions,” Luke remarked, tilting his face up to the sky. Even as I searched through the DMs for a specific date, I couldn’t help but note the clean lines of Luke Keyes’s profile. In another life, he could have been one of those shockingly beautiful male supermodel types, selling overpriced cologne while sailing the Aegean Sea on his yacht, swilling champagne while making naked, glorious love under a brilliant blue sky…

Whoa, girl.

Clearly my brain was buckling under the pressure.
