Page 21 of Luke, The Profiler

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“Easy, genius.” The leashed violence in his soft tone was a comfort to hear. It echoed exactly what was raging inside me. “I have an idea.”

“Great, because I’m fresh out.”

“Let’s torment him back. Lover boy wants a reaction, right?”


“Let’s give him a reaction he won’t soon forget.”

“Like what?”

But I knew exactly what Luke meant when his head angled downward toward mine.

Oh… wow.

All thought screeched to a stunned halt. My stalker, being watched, what face I should be wearing—all of it vanished the moment his lips captured mine. Andcapturedwas right. When his lips touched mine, it was as if every part of me suddenly became his. I couldn’t do anything except respond the way any woman would respond to a kiss so all-encompassing it made the whole planet shake.

Damn, could my monster kiss.

The hands I’d rested on his hips slid around his waist to move over his back, encouraging him to press up against me. His back felt incredible beneath my touch, as solid as sculpted marble beneath the thin veil of his shirt, yet deliciously responsive when I flexed my fingertips into him, my nails scraping lightly against his shirt.

A shirt I suddenly didn’t want him wearing with a crazy, panties-on-fire fervor.

A gasp broke from me when his body rubbed against mine. Too late, I realized that when I’d wrapped my arms around him like he was my favorite teddy bear, the consequence was a perfect, masculine chest pressing against my breasts.Yes, was all I could think as my nipples beaded so hard they hurt. He felt so perfect, to the point where I half-wished the heat generated between our bodies would weld us together for all time. Wetness bloomed between my legs as his hand dived into my hair to hold me closer, and the intimate flesh of my cleft began to throb with a sweet ache.

This wasn’t just a kiss. This was mouth-sex with our clothes on.

My eyes closed so I could better focus on the pleasure of my breasts flattening against his chest. The moment that sense was blocked, I suddenly became hyperaware of the satin-over-steel glide of his lips melding to mine, their fit the definition ofperfect. I leaned into him more, a silent demand for something I refused to put into words. Without missing a beat, he opened his mouth on mine. My pulse thundered as he deepened the kiss, exploring my mouth as if he believed he had every right to take a taste of me.

And he did.

After all, he was only giving me what I’d asked for.

When he at last eased back, I quelled the urge to whimper in protest. A girl had her pride, after all; I’d cut off my lips before ever letting him know I’d do just about anything to keep our kiss going.

But, oh, how I wanted to protest.

“Perfect timing,” he murmured just above my pulsating mouth, so that even his breath was a sweet, intimate caress. “They’re here.”

Um. “Who’s here?”

“Your backup squad, Steele and Nix.”

I retreated a step, the fire in my veins cooling so fast it made my head swim. “My what?”

“Even if you haven’t officially signed the contract, we both know you’re going to, so that means you’re now under PSI protection. I hit the Panic button on my phone the moment I saw the rose, and your security team came a-runnin’.”

My hands fell to my sides like they were made of lead, and I stepped out of his hold. Why did I feel so cold out of his arms? “And they just happened to be nearby?”

“I had them on standby about a block away. I figured they could help me eat that tower of seafood I just paid for.”

“I’ve had that dish before. I’m sure they’ll love it.” Annnd like that, I was back in the real world playing mind games with a man who was my personal nightmare. Too bad I now knew he was also the best kisser on the planet. Clearly, Karma really did hate my guts. “So, what do I do now? Head home, or—”

“Hang on a sec. Don’t move and don’t look around, yeah? We don’t want to tip off lover boy. In fact, come back over here and put your arms around me.”

He put the phone to his ear, his eyes sliding to a point past my shoulder as he gathered me to him with his free arm. I held myself stiffly, no longer fooled by my melting panties or his hotter-than-sin lips. This was all a show meant for my stalker, and if I wanted to keep my sanity I could never allow myself to forget that.

“Hey, Steele. Yeah, there’s a fucking rose on Eden’s windshield. I’d be willing to bet he’s here right now watching us, so get your eyes open, yeah? Look at every car, every window, even across the street.” He paused, clearly listening, while his hand absently rubbed my back as if wanting to ease the stiffness out of it. “Fuck, man, I don’t knowwhere, exactly. If I knew that, I’d go right to that spot and take care of this shitbird myself.”
