Page 29 of Luke, The Profiler

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He took the book, but then caught my wrist with his free hand before I could move.

“If you get scared tonight, call me or use the panic button on your phone,” he said, and for some reason his growly voice made a shiver want to run down my spine. “Don’t take anything on by yourself.”

I bared my teeth. “I won’t get scared.”

“When you get scared,” he went on as if I hadn’t spoken, “we both know you lose your shit and chase after things that can kill you—the woman with the baby, the fuckwit who slashed your tires. So if you get scared tonight, take a breath, count to ten, and grab for your phone instead of your fucking BB gun.”

“Contrary to your obvious opinion of me, I do have a functioning brain.”

“Oh, I’m well aware you’re a genius, genius.” To my surprise a flash of humor softened his features, and again that name sounded like a caress. “Your brain is the finest I’ve ever come across—a true work of art. It does have a crossed wire or two, but that’s okay. It just makes you more fascinating.”

Now he was trying to be charming? Really? “I thought you were leaving.”

The fingers shackling my wrist tightened. “By this time tomorrow, cameras and panic buttons will be set up all over the house. Don’t fight it or try to control how our team does its job. If you do, I’ll come over and sit on you all fucking day until they finish. Understood?”

Great. Torn between hating him for that threat and yearning for him to do it was my new version of hell. “Leave. Now.”

With a suddenness that made me gasp, he yanked me to him and kissed me hard. Confusion warred with outrage, making it impossible for me to figure out which way to respond, but in the end it didn’t matter. The kiss was over almost as soon as it began, and while I was still trying to get my bearings he pressed his brow against mine.

“I need you to promise me you’ll count to ten when you get scared,” he murmured so softly the pounding in my ears almost drowned him out. “Not just tonight. Always.”

“I won’t get scared.”

“Eden. Baby.” Very slowly he raised a hand between us and pressed it to my chest where my heart pounded into his palm. “You’re scared right now.”

Enraged, I tore myself away from him, my breath whistling between my bared teeth. “What the hell do I have to do to get rid of you?”

“Promise me you’ll count to ten the next time you get scared and try tothink, not just react blindly in a way that could get you killed.”

“Fine, I promise. Nowleave.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” He held my gaze a moment longer before heading out of my office. A few moments later I heard the faint beeping of the alarm and the closing of the front door. Hurriedly I flew through the house to the keypad, taking savage delight in punching in the code.



He was gone, and nothing could get me now.

Who are you, really?

“Stop it,” I raged at my stupid, stupid self, pressing the heels of my hands against my eyes. It didn’t help. I could still hear Luke’s voice as if he were standing right next to me.

You’re scared right now.

Taunting me.

When I fuck you…

Making me want the impossible.

It’s because I’m fulfilling the ultimate reason for my existence.

Making me want him. Making me need him.

“Shit,” I whispered, slumping back against the front door and sliding down all the way until my butt hit the cold floor. Of all the twists my screwed-up life had taken, the one I never saw coming was the one where I was stupid enough to get involved with—and get turned-on by—my own personal monster.

