Page 43 of Luke, The Profiler

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Damn, this guy was good.

Even as his hands claimed my naked breasts, I dedicated myself to getting him out of the clothes that had kept him from me for so long. His jacket hit the floor, and I got halfway down the buttons of his shirt before moving down to the front of his jeans, and all the while his thumbs stroked the peaks of my breasts to sensitized pebble-hardness.


His belt gave me a moment’s trouble before I flung it out of the way and quickly dealt with the zipper of his jeans. The insistent thrust of his hard-on made the fabric tight and the task of freeing him that much more difficult. Or maybe it was just the wild shaking of my hands that made it seem like forever before I wrestled the zipper’s tab down. But at last I got everything undone and moved to dive my hand inside to see what I had to look forward to when my wrist was shackled by strong fingers.

“You touch me now, I’m coming before you even get started,” he growled, his voice so rough it was almost unrecognizable. No sound on earth had ever excited me more. “Fun for me, but not so much for you.”

“I decide what’s fun for me.”

“No, love,” he corrected with such authority I realized on a growing wave of surprise mingled with excitement that he honestly meant it.“Idecide your fun. Your pleasure. Your ecstasy. I knew I had to be in control of all of that—of all ofyou—from the moment I saw you smile for the first time. I want all your smiles to exist because of me.”

Lust and excitement surged so fiercely I had no hope of stopping a moan. “I don’t know how you think you can control all of me.”

“I don’t think it, I know it. Now shut up and let me show you how I’m going to do it.” Looking straight into my eyes, he pushed my pants and underwear past my hips to join the rest of my clothes on the floor. “Step out.”


A sharp smack of his open palm on my right butt cheek sounded through the room. I gasped, shocked beyond words before my gaze flew to his, the white-hot gush between my legs diffusing the outrage I knew I should have felt.

“Did you just—”

Another smack on the same cheek, though slightly different placement, made my ass tingly and warm, and the intimate folds of my cleft throbbed and grew even hotter.

“No talking, my genius,” he crooned, and the excitement in his eyes had grown into a wildfire, consuming him until it seemed that was all he was. God, it was breathtaking to see how much this man wanted me.“We’re done talking. Now’s the time for fucking. And spanking, if you keep trying to misbehave.”

“I nevertryto misbehave,” I began, trying to explain, but he smacked my ass again, this time on the right cheek, and my knees almost gave way.

“No talking.” With that he backed my naked self up until the desk’s edge caught me at the place where leg met butt. Pressing a hand against my belly, he pushed me onto the side of the desk while coming to stand between my knees.

Oh, boy.

“Everything nonelectric is headed for the floor,” was the only warning he gave before an arm swept my desk’s inbox, a small stack of files and a hammered metal cup holding pens and pencils onto the floor. “Lie back, love.”

This was crazy. I had to be crazy. But, oh, how I wanted this. “The door—”

“Locked it. Lie back. Now.”

The last of my sanity melted away as I hooked my legs over his hips and laid back on the desk, my head coming to rest on my wireless keyboard. I could only hope I didn’t accidentally hit some weird combo of keys that locked me forever out of—

He slid a hand up my thigh to boldly explore my cleft, and all thought came to a screeching halt.

“Wet.” He said it like it was the most delicious-tasting word he’d ever spoken. “I’m going to make you a whole lot wetter before I let you off this desk.”

“You…” What I wanted to say—something about talking a big game but not believing in any of his advertising until I saw the goods—vanished when his nimble explorations unerringly found the nub of my clit. My back arched off the desk, a moan escaping me. Never mind seeing the goods. This man knew exactly what he was doing. Wow.

“Jesus, your sounds alone are going to make me come.” His breathing became audible as he leaned over me, one hand braced against the desk while the other worked me until I writhed. “I want to watch you lose that iron control of yours. Let me see you let go, Eden. Let me see the real you.”

Hadn’t he said no more talking? But I could hardly complain. Every move of his hand brought me closer to a crushing heaven that promised to obliterate the world as I knew it, and I couldn’t wait. My hips rocked, riding his hand like my life depended on it while pulling him closer with my legs. I wanted him inside me, but to my frustration he was still partially clothed in his undone jeans.

Clearly, this was an unacceptable state of affairs.

With more instinct than conscious thought, I reached a hand toward his hips to pull at the heavy denim keeping him from me, only to growl when me caught my hand and held it above my head.

“Come for me,” he whispered, his eyes no more than a few inches from mine, and the feel of his ragged breath on my open lips made me shiver.“Come for me, Eden. Then you can have my cock.”

I could see in his eyes he wasn’t kidding, that I had to pay the price for getting the gift of his cock. I had to orgasm for him while he watched the whole shebang, so to speak.
