Page 48 of Luke, The Profiler

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“Then get out of the way and I’ll do it myself. I’ve already found out so much about the target already that just about anyone could do this fucking search.”

“I’m on it.” The sound of rapid typing filled the room, and in a few seconds a headline appeared on the screen. “Got one.”

I leaned forward. “Go full screen. Let’s see what we’ve got.”

“Romy von Krummacher, age twenty-six, beaten to death by her live-in boyfriend, Leonard Driscoll. Look,” he turned in his chair, his expression sliding back into the mutinous mask I was so used to seeing on him. “I know you’re all about playing mind games with people, but I’m not going to fall for it. Either tell me what you think you’re going to do to me, or fuck off.”

“Leonard Driscoll.” I stared hard at the picture of the man who, according to the article, beat Romy von Krummacher to death with his big, beefy fists before blowing his brains out, and tried to see any of Eden there. Black curly hair. Heavy, Neanderthal brow over beady black eyes. Chunky build, no neck. I did the same thing with the much more elegant photo of Romy von Krummacher—dark blonde hair, narrow face, wide blue eyes, thin shoulders poking out of what looked like a debutante’s dress and an oddly sad smile. It almost seemed like Romy had somehow known, even in a happier time and in a happier place, that her life was destined to be filled with tragedy.

And as I stared at those photos, Eden’s resemblance to Truman Steadfast became that much more pronounced.

“Send the article to me,” I said, turning away. “And don’t forget to send along the list of HEG pickup truck owners. I need to get those profiles done ASAP.”

“Hey, I asked you a question—”

Before I could answer, the door suddenly swung open and Steele came in at top speed. He glanced quickly from me to Kythe and back again before loudly clearing his throat. “So, Cap sent me in to make sure that, um, everything’s cool in here.”

I’d wondered when Cap was going to realize he had a problem with Kythe and me being in the same room. Heh. Looked like the old man was slowing down. “Can you believe what fucking happened?” I said conversationally and sent a meaningful nod Kythe’s way. “Kythe here went and tattled on me like a goddamn five-year-old, and he did it while I wasn’t even on the clock. I just wanted to point out that next time, he should try using PSI equipment to look for actual bad guys, rather than spying on me while I’m just trying to live my personal life.”

“What the fuck?” Steele’s expression hardened as he turned to stare at the younger man like he was something he’d just scraped off his shoe. “What’s Luke talking about, kid?”

Kythe couldn’t seem to remember how to work his mouth. “I—I didn’t… He’s twisting what happened. Luke was wrong to obscure one of the cameras—”

“That’s what you did?” Steele looked back to me. “You obscured a camera angle?”

“Yeah, for about an hour over at Eden’s place. I put things back after she and I had some quality alone time. No way would I ever leave her side without making sure that added security was up and running.”

“The point is, he shouldn’t have done it in the first place,” Kythe tried to point out piously.Idiot, I thought even as Steele rounded on him.

“No one likes a rat, you stupid punk,” Steele snapped so hard it was a wonder the kid didn’t start bleeding somewhere. “You think anyone in-house is going to want to work with you now? Shit, the last thing we need when we’re out in the field is the distraction of worrying about whether or not you’re going to snitch us out for some imagined infraction, just so you can rack up some brownie points with the boss. And in case you still have your head up your ass and didn’t know, being distracted in this business is a quick way for all of us to get killed.”

“Wait,” Kythe said, coming halfway out of his chair. “I wouldn’t—”

“Youdid. A man wanted to share part of his day with his woman,on his own fucking time, and you went squealing to the boss about it instead of having a quiet word with Luke. The moment you did that, you showed yourself to be the scummy little kiss-ass you are, so you know what? As of now, I refuse to work with you.”

Kythe’s jaw dropped. “Youwhat?”

“You heard me, rat. I’m not going to allow you to be on any of my security teams, you hear me? And I won’t be the only one who feels this way. By this time tomorrow, everyone who works in this building’s going to know you can’t be trusted to watch their six. Take my advice—quit now before your pathetic ratty ass is fired.”

“I don’t have time for this, I’ve got to get to work,” I said, turning for the door. But before I left, I glanced over at Kythe and saw understanding dawn in his eyes.That’s right, assclown. I wasn’t lying when I said you did this to yourself.

For now, though, I had more important things to worry about than Kythe.

I had to start finding answers, whether Eden liked it or not.

Chapter Thirteen

Next Time, Bed Sex


“There’s just so much to deal with, and I can’t do it all by myself. But thanks to my sister refusing to do even the barest minimum, dealing with our father’s estate has fallen solely onto my shoulders.”

I watched my client, Jenna, snuffle into a tissue as she sat on the loveseat Luke had occupied during the opening minutes of my session with Howard. I sat in the armchair next to the loveseat, my back to the desk. I was such a wuss. I couldn’t even look at that piece of furniture without reliving what it was like to have Luke moving inside me, his cock filling me to bursting as I came again and again…

The room was silent, with Jenna looking at me expectantly.

