Page 52 of Luke, The Profiler

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“You saying you could become jealous of me… I don’t know.” I shook my head at myself and almost laughed. Until that moment I had no idea I was such a frigging pushover. “I just didn’t know how much I needed to hear that from you.Be jealous, Eden,” I whispered, bringing her lips close to mine. “Hell, guard me like I’m your personal treasure, because make no mistake—that’s what you are to me.”

The soft sound she made when I covered her mouth with mine turned me inside out. Like magic, the relentless urgency that had been driving me to shelter her melted away, and all at once the only thing that mattered was that Eden was here with me, and safe, and my bedroom was only steps away.

“I know you’re cool with desk-sex,” I murmured against her lips, even as I started walking her back through a short hallway to the open door of my bedroom. “Question is, how do you feel about bed sex?”

“Hm, I don’t know.” The purpling light of dusk filtering in through the bedroom windows spotlighted the unmade king-sized bed we were heading for, and I heard her breath quickening as we came to stand beside it. “Sounds kind of boring, to be honest. This isn’t going to be a boring bang, is it?”

My palm smacked her ass, and while it was hot as hell to hear her gasp and watch her kitten-green eyes darken, it just wasn’t the same with layers of clothing keeping her silken, pale flesh from me. “Strip, baby,” I urged her, taking a step back to shrug out of my blazer and pulling at my tie. “Make me want you so fucking bad I’d beg you on my hands and knees just to get a fleeting taste of you.”

“You think I could make you beg?” Her stunned smile broke my heart and mended it all at the same time. In that moment, I dedicated my life to letting her know just how extraordinarily perfect she was in my eyes.

“Eden, my genius, you destroy me every time you glance my way. A striptease from you… woman, that’s going to make me your slave for the rest of my forever.”

A fluttery laugh escaped her even as she toed out of her low-heeled shoes. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

“Tell me.”

“You make me feel… cherished. Special.” Then she shook her head, as if laughing at herself. “I just love how special you make me feel.”

“Show me how much you love it, baby. Make me come just by watching you.”

“I’ll try my best.”

The excitement in her breathless tone was almost enough to make me groan. Grimly I locked my shit down and watched her kick her shoes out of the way before turning her attention to the cuffs of her blouse. It was a pretty pastel green confection that played up the color of her eyes, and the simplicity of its cut and understated adornment of little pearly buttons was Eden all over. Everything about her was sophisticated, cultured. Even when taking off her clothes, she was elegance personified.

And she was taking it all off forme.

Undoing the blouse’s cuffs, she turned away just enough to show me the line of her back as she pulled the blouse from the waist of her pencil skirt. Then she looked over her shoulder to lock her gaze with mine as she let the blouse slide down her upper arms.

“I’ve never bothered to look at myself while undressing,” she said, letting the fabric catch at her elbows a moment before straightening her arms to let the blouse fall to the floor. “And I certainly don’t know what my back looks like. Are backs even sexy?”

“Yours is,” I assured her, not surprised at the roughness of my voice. I tossed my own shirt aside before loosening my belt and pants, and all the while my eyes never left her. That made sense. There was nothing else on this earth I wanted to see.“Ditch the bra, Eden.”

“I’m getting there.” The corner of her mouth curled while she reached a hand back to unhook the little wisp of lingerie. She caught it before it could fall away, and she turned back to face me, her hands cupping the lacy material to her breasts. “I know I’m just an amateur, but I believe this is supposed to be theteasepart of the striptease. If you don’t like it, I can always stop and get dressed again. Maybe start over?”

“Don’t you fucking dare.” I watched as she kept one arm up to modestly hold the loose bra in place, while the other one went to the skirt’s zipper on her hip. In response, I kicked off my shoes and shucked my pants and underwear, wanting to be as naked as I needed her to be. “You need to get your clothes off in the next goddamn minute.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Her hips began to shimmy as if dancing to a sexy, sultry tune that only she could hear, while she snuck a hand through the open zipper and pushed the fabric down. “Let’s see if I can get this… down… one-handed.” She completed a slow, undulating circle, wiggling those hips like I was already inside her, but the skirt stayed stubbornly in place. “Hm. Seems to be stuck. Whatever shall I do?”

“Eden.” I wrapped a hand around my dick, rock-hard and squeezed until I groaned, all the while watching her dance for me. “Get fucking naked.Now.”

“Ooh. An order. I want to disobey it. Think I will.” With a wicked smile that cut me up in all the right places, she again turned her back to me, still dancing, and let the bra fall. With both hands now free, she could have easily gotten her skirt out of the way, but did she do that? No. Because I was finally getting that in her mind,stripteasemeant striptorture, and she was loving being my tormentor.

And God help me, so did I.

But there was only so much I’d take. I’d let her have her fun—God knew it was fun for the both of us—but then I’d have to teach her what disobedience earned her.

I had a feeling she’d have fun with that, too.

As sinuous as a snake, she worked her hips side to side, the line of her back mesmerizing as the skirt worked its way downward millimeter by painful millimeter. A matching lace thong slowly appeared, and I groaned again at the glimpse of those perfect ass cheeks begging for my hand as they shimmied and shook…

“Off.” The word shot out of me as I stroked my cock, sweat popping out along my brow as my balls tightened until they threatened to fucking implode. “I won’t ask again.”

“You didn’t ask the first time.” That naughty mouth of hers seemed intent on continuing to sass me, but then she turned around and took in my expression. Whatever she saw there made her eyes widen in a most satisfactory way before she scooted the skirt over her hips without another damn word.


“Get over here,” I said, because in that moment I wasn’t sure I could take a step without completely losing my shit.
