Page 95 of Luke, The Profiler

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“I’m a firm believer in spontaneity, because that’s as real as it gets.” Luke put his drained teacup aside to thread his fingers through mine. Then, with his eyes never leaving mine, he brought my hand to his lips. “Besides, I don’t need to write down my feelings for this incredible woman, Miss Ramona. I’m overwhelmed by her every time I look her way, or even think about her. In Eden, I see the reason I was put on this earth—to love her, to protect her, to be the man that she deserves. She brings out the best in me because she believes in me, just as much as I believe in her. Together we’re unbreakable, because we were always,alwaysmeant to be one.”

“Always,” I whispered, and kissed his hand still holding mine.

“Oh my,” Miss Ramona whispered, and I looked over to see her eyes filled with tears. “I think I just watched you exchange your vows all over again. You may kiss the bride, son.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” Luke said, and did so with gusto.

After an hour of getting to know each other and looking through old photo albums of my mother, it was time for us to head out to catch our flight. With hugs and tears and promises to stay in touch, Luke tucked me into the car, a smile lurking around the corners of his mouth.

“What are you smirking about?” I wanted to know, snuggling back into the passenger seat and holding a small photo album to my heart like the treasure it was.

“I’m just happy you’re happy.” Keeping his eyes on the road, he pointed the car in the direction of Louisville. “I watched you with Miss Ramona, you know. You shared yourself, your genuine self, with that old lady. How’d it feel?”

“It was a rough go at first,” I admitted, wrinkling my nose wryly. “What can I say, old habits die hard. But once I remembered you telling me to let go of my old ways, it got easier. I’m not saying I’ve reformed,” I added. “For better or worse, I am still Truman Steadfast’s daughter, and if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s how to present a proper public face, and I know I’ll find myself changing it to fit the situation. But for the people who matter the most to me, I’ll always try to be my true self.”

“Just as long as you’re always your true self with me, I’m good. And you’re good too, yeah?” Reaching over, he rested a hand on my knee. “Coming back to Gobbler Gulch after all these years wasn’t too terrible, was it?”

“No. Far from it, actually. Before today, this town was more like a terrible hellscape in my head, where nothing good could ever happen. You know, kind of like a monster that I’d never managed to face down. But now this town is… I don’t know. Different. Peaceful.”

“I hate to correct you, love, but it’s not the town that’s become peaceful. It’s you.”

“You think?”

“Hell, yeah. Before we came here, you believed that the only family you had in this world was either your shitheel of a father or Kels, who’s going through his own personal hell right now, trying to decide where his loyalty lies. Of course you know you’ve got me and Bebe as your family now, and I love that. But I wanted you to know there was more family out there for you, if you could just find the strength to push beyond the past and make that connection. I’ll admit, everything went better than even I could’ve imagined. You opened your heart to Miss Ramona in a big way, and when you did that you gave both her and yourself the gift of love. I’m so damn proud of you for that, genius.”

“Don’t be too proud, because I wouldn’t have done it six months ago,” I said, laying my hand over his to give it a squeeze. “Love takes courage, but you’ve taught me that love is worth any risk. It’s amazing how much my life has changed since you came into it. How muchI’vechanged.”

“And you’re not done yet. Just wait until the kids get here.”

A wild fluttering bloomed deep in my belly. “There you go again, talking about the kids.”

“I can’t wait to make ‘em. We can get started on that today, and I don’t wanna wait until we get to Europe. Ever heard of the Mile High Club?”

I had, and the rush of heat between my legs made me squirm in my seat. “Are you suggesting we try for a baby in a tiny airplane bathroom? How would we ever explain it to the child?”

“We wouldn’t have to go into specifics, but I do have some ideas for baby names—Orville or Wilber if it’s a boy, and Amelia if it’s a girl.”

Um. “I think we can do better than names that meanspear strength,bright will, andwork, respectively. Don’t get me wrong, they’re great names, but I doubt those meanings would ever be completely on-target for any children we might have.”


“That wewillhave.” I chuckled and gave his hand another squeeze. “Tell you what. Let me choose the names for our children. I promise, baby, I’ll do it up right.”

“You got it,” he agreed, grinning.


Eighteen months later


“I’m telling you, Steele, I saw him doing it.” I pulled out my phone, thumbed through the million or so baby pics I’d taken earlier that day, and found the video I needed. “Here, look. Cato is actually tracing the outline of Buzz Lightyear on his little blanket during what Eden calls his tummy-time. He’s actually tracing the damn thing with his fingers and he’s only five months old. I tell you, he’s a fucking genius.”

“Jesus, you’re one of those crazy-ass dads who thinks his kid’s a genius every time he farts. There’s no way a baby can actually trace a… Holy shit, you’re right. Little dude’s actually tracing it.” Holding a longneck bottle of beer in one hand and the phone in the other, Steele looked over the rim of his sunglasses at my brilliant kid before shaking his head in disbelief. “Five months old, right? When Tory and Maddox were five months old they were able to roll over, but only so they could try to beat the crap out of each other. Not much has changed.”

I chuckled, knowing all about the screaming battles that had blown up between Steele’s energetic twins. “They got their Uncle Twist’s temperament and their dad’s stubbornness, that’s for sure. Thank God Essie’s creativity and gentle sensitivity are also there in the mix to balance things out.”

“Tell me about it.” Steele grinned, handing the phone back. “That’s why I recommend having only one kid.”
