Page 24 of Dirty Hand

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He wanted this to last. He wanted to be with Jack forever. He wanted…

Helovedhim. Even as his body hurled toward an explosive orgasm, his brain found new clarity. He’d fallen in love with Jack. What the fuck did he do now?


Rob had called him that morning, asking for Jack’s help in fixing a stall, and considering his friend had never charged him for using his barn, Jack was all too happy to help, even when he only had one more day with George. When he saw the splintered wood on the door of the stall, he scratched his head. “What the hell happened?”

Rob let out a long sigh as he adjusted the Yankees baseball cap that Jack had never seen him without. “Devil, that’s what happened.”

“The devil? Didn’t know he could destroy doors.”

Rob snorted as he pointed to another stall where a massive black horse was moving restlessly. “That’s Devil. His real name is Twilight’s Whisper, which in itself should be enough to charge his owners with a misdemeanor. Who the fuck calls a horse that? But the real problem was that he was a racehorse with an impressive lineage his owners paid a hell of a lot of money for…and then he broke his leg in his maiden race. They didn’t allow it enough time to heal and forced him back on the track, doped up on painkillers. He sustained permanent damage on that leg and never regained his speed. After trying god knows what to get their money’s worth, they dumped him. He’s got trust issues combined with a foul temper, and the stall door lost that battle.”

Jack sighed. Every time Rob told him a story like that, he got mad all over again at how cruel people could be. “Poor guy.”

“Yeah. I only got him a few days ago, so we still have a long way to go. The problem is that he needs to be outside, but I can’t trust him with the others yet. So I need to bring them all inside, and then I can let him out. He’s fast like the wind, even with his injured leg. Not fast enough to ever race again, but he’ll outrun any normal horse. It’s a sight to see.”

“I bet. So I take it you need me to fix that door?”

“Fix it and fortify it so he can’t kick it in again. I’d do it myself, but I’m up till my eyeballs in work with five new horses coming in this week.”

Jack waved dismissively. “No problem. I’m happy to help. You got some lumber I can use?”

“Yeah. Let me show you.”

Jack followed Rob out of the horse stalls outside, where he set course for another barn. The man had ample space, which was a good thing, considering how many horses he had.

“I saw you brought a boy by the other day,” Rob said. “He your boyfriend?”

Jack hesitated. “It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t it always? He’s cute, though. Very fuckable. I wouldn’t mind tapping that.”

Jack clenched his fist, a wave of fury rolling through him until Rob looked at him sideways and chuckled. “Complicated, huh? That why you’re so jealous and protective?”

He should’ve known. Rob had always excelled in pushing his buttons since the day they had met in boot camp. His irritation dwindled. “My feelings for him aren’t the issue.”

“You scared of coming out?”

Rob was the only one of his friends who knew he preferred men, so that wasn’t an unreasonable question. “Not really. I’ve never bothered because I didn’t see a reason to, but I can handle it.”

Rob opened the barn door and let Jack go in first. “You two not compatible in bed?”

Jack knew him well enough Rob wasn’t pushing his buttons this time. They’d talked about sex before and how important it was to both of them to have someone they could have sex with the way they preferred—rough, in Jack’s case. With his size, that wasn’t always easy. “He’s a goddamn firecracker in bed. He takes everything I dish out and then some.”

“Damn, dude, way to make me jealous. Then what’s the problem?”

“My job?”

“Ah, right. Being gone six weeks at a time isn’t conducive to a healthy relationship.”

He might as well be completely honest now. “Even more when I’m supposed to be his Daddy.”

Rob came to a full stop, then swiveled around. “His Daddy? I didn’t know you were into kink.”

Jack jammed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I never was. Thought about it but never acted on it till now. He’s… He’s my boy.”

“Let me get this straight. You’ve found someone who’s not only super cute but who can also take that monster dick of yours, who you like to be with, and who has made you discover new sides of yourself…and the only issue is your job?”
