Page 40 of Forbidden

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We’ve reached the part where I pounce.

“Clinical psychologists want to build a trusting, empathetic alliance with their clients, but forensic psychologists cannot ethically nurture or act in a helping role.” Dirk is in the front of the class, sliding his finger down bullet points on the screen.

Shifting in my seat, I wish his finger was sliding down my bullet point. A laugh sniffs in my nose, and I cover my lips with my hand. His eyes flicker to mine, and it’s a flash of heat in my chest. It almost feels like he knows what I’m about to do.

I’m in the middle row, directly in his line of vision, vibrating like a sinner in church. My heart beats so fast, and my mouth is dry. If what I’m planning for the end of class doesn’t work, nothing will.

I’m betting all my money it will.

He switches off the computer and goes to the door to turn on the lights in the room. The sudden wash of fluorescent white makes everyone blink hard. A few groans break out around me, and a student across the aisle rubs his eyes like he’s waking from a nap.

Evan isn’t in class, which is a stroke of luck for me. I lift the desktop in front of me and slide it into the arm of my chair.

I’m not sure my heart can beat any harder as I wait for it…

Wait for him to finish giving us the assignment…

Wait for him to place the bag on his desk…

Wait for him to glance in my direction again, and I make my move.

Lifting my leg, I uncross, widen my knees to give him a clear view of my bare pussy, and watch as the heat explodes in his hazel eyes, as light pink lust creeps from beneath his collar, as his Adam’s apple bobs, and the muscle in his jaw clenches. I cross my legs again, and when his eyes lift to mine, they’ve gone dark.

Students stand and funnel down the aisles, but I wait, sitting in my chair in the shortest skirt I own with nothing underneath it. Once the last person is at the door, I stand, lifting my bag onto my shoulder and walking down the steps slowly.

He doesn’t look up. His eyes are fixed on the items he’s shoving roughly into his backpack, and I continue to the exit, going into the hall and walking the short distance to his office. Clusters of students filter past, laughing and making plans for the weekend.

When I reach his door, I turn my back to it, slipping my hand behind me to turn the knob. It’s unlocked, and I go inside when no one is watching. The room is empty and the lights are off. Only the dim light from the hall filters through the frosted glass. I go into the smaller, private room in the back of his office, placing my bag on the floor by the filing cabinet.

The sound of his door opening is as loud as a clap of thunder in the quiet space. He doesn’t turn on the light, and I know he knows I’m here waiting. I hear the click of the lock, and adrenaline floods my veins.

Without a sound, he enters the smaller office where I wait, and he closes the second door, turning to face me.

“I asked you to stop.” The anger in his voice clenches my core.

“I can’t.” My breath catches, breaking my voice. “I want you too much.”

Crossing the space, he grips my arm so fast, a yelp jumps from my throat. “What’s it going to take for you to stop?”

We’re so close, I step forward so our bodies are touching. I rise on my toes, sliding my fingers in the side of his thick, wavy hair.

My lips brush his ear as I whisper. “I think you’ll have to fuck me.”

The room tilts, and he spins me around so I’m facing the mahogany desk of my dreams. My hips hit the dark wood, and his hands move quickly behind me, unfastening his pants.

“Oh, God,” I whimper.

A tear of foil, the snap of a condom, and wetness floods between my thighs, my stomach twists in anticipation.

“Hold onto the desk.” It’s a low order, and I do as he says, sliding his things out of the way and lying on my stomach before him, lifting my bare ass for him.

Cool air drifts across my flesh, and goosebumps break out on my skin. His hand grips my hip so suddenly, I let out another little cry of surprise, but it changes instantly to a low moan of satisfaction when he thrusts his cock inside so fast I rise off the desk.

He’s so big, I gasp audibly.

“Fuck…” His groan is loud, and my pussy tightens at the thought someone might hear us in the hall. “It’s so good.”

Lying on my stomach, I arch my back up rocking him deeper into my slippery core. “No… I’m bad. You have to punish me.”
