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Poor little shit looked like he was going to piss his pants being forced to walk into an upper sixth class when he first stepped through the door.

All eyes turn on the two of us sitting at the back of our psychology class, curiosity burning through each of them. Although I’m not sure why.

Since the stunt the girls pulled yesterday morning, our names have been whispered through the entire sixth form as the culprits who finally brought down Queen Bitch, Darcie Porter.

Unsurprisingly, she hightailed it straight off the All Hallows’ campus the second she discovered what had happened, and no one has heard a peep out of her since.

We knew this was coming, though.

Even if our names weren’t on the tips of everyone’s tongues, we knew that the blame would land at our feet. After all, Elliot has already told her that he has evidence. Lucky for us though, that’s in the form of a video, and after watching it last night—for research purposes only, obviously—it was immediately clear that it was of another rendezvous entirely.

So as far as we’re concerned, we’d never seen those photos that were distributed yesterday, and we have no idea that Darcie was fucking her father’s friend, colleague, behind his back.

“Well, go on then,” Mrs. Pearce encourages. “I don’t need my lesson disrupted more than necessary.”

With a frustrated huff, she turns her back on us to write on the whiteboard.

“I wonder what this could be about,” Oak mutters as we shove our books into our bags and get to our feet.

Things are still tense between us. He might be putting up with me moving back into the Chapel and hanging around, but he’s far from happy with it. I don’t miss the angry glances he shoots my way when he thinks I’m not looking, or the judgemental way he looks me up and down as if he’s sizing me up as a potential brother-in-law.

My stomach knots as I think about the reality of that situation.

Not only have I somehow got to achieve the impossible by getting Olivia to even talk to me, but some-fucking-how I’ve got to get Mum and Judge Bancroft to rip up that stupid contract they concocted all those years ago binding me to Abigail.

I’m sure she’s nice enough. Hell, she’s sure shown us in the past few days that she’s got more about her than we ever gave her credit for. But she doesn’t do it for me. She doesn’t light a fire inside me like Olivia does. She doesn’t make my heart race and my cock swell with one look.

Jesus. I’m so fucking screwed.

I follow Oak out of the classroom and we head for the main exit of the sixth form building. Mr. Porter’s office is in the main school building, a place we’ve hardly visited since we finished year eleven. But I guess incidents like proving his daughter has been fucking his staff ensure we skip the arse ripping by our head of sixth form and go straight to the top.

It comes as no surprise when we walk through the main reception and past the admin offices that we find Theo and Elliot sitting on the seats in the waiting area outside the head’s office.

“Well, well, well, isn’t this a coincidence,” Theo mutters with a smirk.

“Anyone would think that the rest of the school doesn’t hate her as much as we do,” Oak scoffs, dropping into the seat beside Elliot.

No one gets a chance to respond, because footsteps click down the hallway behind us, and when I turn around, my eyes widen at the sight of Christian marching toward us with Olivia right at his side.

“Good morning, boys. Always a pleasure,” Christian greets with a smug-as-fuck smirk playing on his lips.

He knows what we did. It’s written all over his face. And something tells me that he’d be encouraging us to do it again. Hell, I’m pretty sure if he could dig up anything worse than we already found that he’d be handing it over willingly after what that bitch did to his daughter.

“Dad,” Oak breathes. “You okay, Liv?” His eyes narrow as he studies her, but despite the dark circles lingering under her eyes and the way her lips pulled down at the corners when I first looked at her, she plasters a smile on her face and whispers, “Of course.”

I keep my eyes locked on her, unable to look anywhere else, even as both Oak and Christian watch me do it.

I can’t help myself. I need my fill.

It’s been too fucking long since she’s been this close to me. And it might make me a pussy, but I fully intend to make the most of her proximity.

The door opening on the other side of the space we’re all congregating in startles me, before a deep voice bounces off the wall. “Ah good, you’re all here. Please, come in.”

We allow Christian to go first, and the second he reaches his hand out to shake Mr. Porter’s, I step up beside Olivia, dipping my head so that I can breathe in her scent.

She tenses, probably waiting for me to say something. But I bite back the words. The time for us to talk is coming, but right now isn’t it. Not when we’re about to have to fight for our innocence.

“As nice as it is to be invited into your office, Mr. Porter, do you mind explaining to me why me and my kids are here right now? Seems to me that you might have bigger issues on your hands,” Christian says, talking about us as if we’re his.

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