Page 11 of Almost Us

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Confusion draws his eyebrows inward. “I guess so. That sucks. If I can’t trust what I recall…” He runs a hand through his hair. “Damn it.”

Scooting closer, I offer him one end of the blanket. “We’re trying to keep things light tonight so let’s go back to the murderous hitchhiker.”

We find our way closer together throughout the rest of the movie, and I’m cuddled against him by the time the credits roll. The room is plunged into darkness when the screen goes black, and the only light we have leaks in from the kitchen.

We’re getting too close. I know it and so does he, but I’ve missed him and it’s obvious from the way his hand strokes down my hair that he’s missed me too.

My tongue slips out to wet my lips when I look up at him and it’s all the invitation he needs. His warm mouth covers mine and my arms wrap around him. His kiss is hungry. Mine is equally as demanding when I plunge my tongue into his mouth and satisfy the urge I’ve had too many times since that last night we spent together.

His hands roam up my sides, brushing my breasts. I run my fingers over the hard planes of his chest and break the kiss to drag my lips over the scruff on his jaw. Alden’s grin flashes in front of me and his voice plays in my head. “You’re the reason I don’t shave. I know you love it.”


Am I going to do this to Oliver again? Wasn’t calling him the wrong name once enough?

He opens his eyes when I move away from him and mumble, “Sorry, I—”

“It’s okay.” He takes a deep breath, and his lips puff out when he releases it. “That’s not why I came here.”

“I know.”

“I should go.”

Yes, he should, but I don’t want him to. “It’s late. You’ve been drinking. The guest room is still made up.”

He smiles and picks up the bottle of whiskey to take upstairs with him. “I’ll be expecting blueberry pancakes in the morning.”

“I’m pretty sure I can handle that.” He leans to plant a kiss on my cheek then goes upstairs.

I want to follow him. Kiss him. Climb into his arms. It’s hard for both of us to resist. It’s wrong. Especially because I can’t be certain why I feel the way I do. Is it only because he reminds me of Alden?

Instead of going to my room which is too temptingly close to his, I lie down on the couch, tucking a throw pillow under my head. The horror movie gets ditched in favor of a mindless sitcom. A few more puffs from a joint settles my racing heart.

I’m okay. It’s amazing how knowing someone else is in the house—even if there are way too many walls between you—can be enough to dull the loneliness. I close my eyes and listen to the voices on the TV while I doze off.

Maybe it was the ton of food or the weed that I’m not accustomed to anymore, but my sleep is heavy and when I wake, Oliver has left. There’s a text from him waiting on my phone.


Had to go to work and didn’t want to wake you. Raincheck on the blueberry pancakes until next time.

Next time. Will there ever be a time when we can be around each other without being tempted? At what point do you stop fighting it?

* * *

I’m finishing up with my last client of the day when a delivery man walks into my shop. He smiles, gesturing to the counter, and I nod for him to leave the package there.

“Thank you!” I call.

“Have a good one,” he replies, on his way back out the door.

It’s everything I can do to stay focused on going over digital images with the woman beside me because I know what’s in the thick envelope he delivered. Once we’ve finally finished and she leaves toting her four-week-old son in a carrier, I make a beeline for my desk.

I’m so excited. Modern Motherhood Magazine will hit shelves tomorrow on the first of the month, but Angela promised to send me an advanced copy. Three copies slide out of the envelope.

Oh wow. This is unexpected. She told me that I’d be featured, but I didn’t know one of my photos was going to be on the cover. The image of a sweet newborn asleep on a hanging sliver of the moon takes up most of the glossy cover.

Inside is a two page spread featuring three more of my photographs, along with a picture of me standing by my studio door. The headline across the top readsUnique photography captures baby’s precious early days.
