Page 29 of Her Wild Ride

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“No, I did not.”

“I enjoyed them,” Johnny replies. “And I’ll enjoy this. Bottoms up.” He chugs the red concoction and sighs at the last drop of red liquid. “Your turn.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Why not?” Trixie loops her arm around Johnny’s. Her free hand runs up and down his arm, not hiding her touchy feel of his muscles. “Maybe you could take me for a ride on your big bad bike one day?” Trixie is always flirting with the men.

Birdie pulls Trixie off Johnny, but she talks to me. “For someone who protests the love spice with such passion, you’re rather afraid of it.”

I cross my arms over my front like a protective shield. “Afraid and believing are two entirely different things.”

“What’s the harm?” Johnny winks at me. “Nothing happened ten years ago when we first shared the love spice.” He hands his empty glass to Trixie.

I flush a thousand shades of red. I’m sure of it. Everything happened that day ten years ago. I fell in love with him. He fell in love with me. We connected in a way I’ve never connected with anyone else.But he’s right about one thing. If we don’t get this love spice out of the way, the trio will never quit following us. It’s not like people in Cinnamon Bay can simply choose to fall in love. Oh no. It’s only permitted when the trio decides a couple is destined to be together.

“Bottoms up.” I raise my glass and guzzle the fruity cocktail. They’re right, the extra kick of vodka is missing, but it’s still delicious. Even with the hint of cinnamon.

Johnny steps in front of me when I finish and dramatically grasps my shoulders. “Bexley Gratton, it’s like I’m seeing you for the first time. Like really seeing you.”

I can’t keep my smile at bay. His over-exaggerated acting is ridiculous and silly. “Johnny Creed, I feel it too.” I squeeze his biceps, hearing a jealous huff from Trixie. “You’re the man of my dreams and these arms. Gah. They’re incredible.”

A half laugh and half grunt almost break his roll. He clears his throat and continues. “I think I love you. No, I know I love you. I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Head over heels,” I add.

“Unexplainable love.” He gasps. “It must be the love spice. It’s opened my eyes to everything that is you.”

I can’t do it anymore. Laughter pours out of me.

“You two must think you’re really funny.” Hattie sounds less than impressed.

“Just a hoot.” Trixie wiggles the glass wedged between my fingers and Johnny’s arm.

“Dance with me.” Johnny takes my hand. “Let’s show the world this new love. Ladies.” He nods his head and guides me to a makeshift dance floor—a patch of flattened grass.

I’m still laughing when he draws me into his arms. “Oh, you really want to dance.” My giggles stop. My speeding heart takes over.

“They won’t interrupt us like this.” His arm presses snugly around my back. He pulls me flush against his warm front. His free hand clasps mine lightly. The humor and fun disappear from his eyes. Desire and lust stare down at me as if the legendary love spice is working its magic. The slow song isn’t helping, either.

“You going to dance with me?” He glances at my arm suspended away from his shoulder.

“Uh. I guess.” I lower my arm to rest on his shoulder.

He chuckles. “I don’t bite. Unless you ask me to.”

I can’t tear my eyes away from his intense gaze. “Are they watching us?”

My gaze sweeps to the trio. “Their eyes are glued to us. All they need are reclining chairs and popcorn.”

I love his rough, deep chuckle.

We fall into step. The rhythm controls our movements. Each step. Each sway. Perfectly aligned. As if our bodies know something we don’t. The people around us vanish. It’s only Johnny and me. I’m not sure how long we dance,just staring at one another, content in the moment. One song. Two songs. A dozen. Slow or fast, it doesn’t matter. We sway in each other’s arms.

“Tell me about your travels.” My fingers curl into the hair at the back of his neck.

He blows out a breath. “Where do I even start?”

“Your best memories.”
