Page 32 of Her Wild Ride

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Something stops me. Age. Time. Maybe an attempt to act like the grown-ass man I am.

“I’m not going to hurt her.”

“Again? You’re not going to hurt her again?” Bay stuffs his hands in the pocket of his jeans as if he’s also trying to control himself.

“I’m not going to hurt her.”

“Is that all you can say?”

“What else do you need to hear?”

“I’ve grown to tolerate your family. Even like them.”

“Even my drunk dad?”

His jaw twitches. “Yes. I can’t stop my sister from the bad mistakes she’ll make with you, butif you hurt her, Creed, so help me, you won’t get away scot-free.”

“Fair enough.” I hold out my hand.

“You can buy me a drink.”

I crack a smile. “Alright.”

An hour later, I stumble back to the tent. And stumble, I do. A drink turned into a pissing contest. Apparently, Bexley isn’t the only one I steer to make bad decisions. The shots we threw back repeated one after the next. The ground spins. My vision blurs. I’m a drunken fool.

“Bex?” My hands feel for the zipper in the front of the tent. It’s pegged to the ground. “Shit.”

I stagger to the back of the tent, falling onto the ground a couple times. “Shit.” It’s been a long time since I’ve been this drunk. Tarps are pegged to the ground at the back door, leaving no space to get inside.

I bang on the side door. “Bex?”

The door swings open, and a half-asleep Bexley stands on the other side. She’s wearing pumpkin print flannel pajamas.

I lean on the doorframe. I miss one side and fall against it.

Bexley’s warm hands are there to help me. “Are you drunk?”

“Me and your brother are on talking terms.”

“More like drinking terms.” She cups my arm while I step up into the trailer. Inside, I rest against the wall, and she closes and locks the door.

“It was supposed to be one drink.” I dig the tips of my fingers into my eyes. “But it turned into a dick-measuring contest.”

“Details I don’t need to hear. Shirt on or off?” I smirk down at her.

“You have your own air mattress, stud.”


“Lift your arms.” She helps me pull my shirt over my head. “If you sleep in your briefs, you’re on your own.”

“I sleep in the nude. Are you going to take off my pants too?”



