Page 39 of Her Wild Ride

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He grins down at me for a second before he steps back. “Inside or outside?”

“Inside.” I can press against the wall all night long and never end up touching the hot biker next to me. I sink into his mattress and tuck my blanket tightly along my body. The wooden wall is firm against my side. When I’m finished, I glance up to find he hasn’t moved. He stares down at me with the most adorable and sexy smirk.

“You sure you’re far enough away?” he teases. “You can’t scooch over a tiny bit more?”

“Shut up and get in this bed before I change my mind.”

“You don’t need to tell me twice.” The bed dips and rises under his weight. “Night, Bex.” He pulls the blanket over his denim-covered legs but barely drapes it over his bare chest.

“Night, Johnny.”

I close my eyes. I should be exhausted. It’s been a long day.Sleep, come and take me. But minutes tick by, and I’m wide awake.

“What are you worried about?” Johnny’s attempt at a whisper is a husky grunt.


“You know what’s stopping me from kissing you?”

“Your word.”

He chuckles. “I’m sure my breath tastes like ass.”

Laughter erupts from inside me. “Attractive.”

“Anything to make sure you don’t make a move on me during the night.”

I giggle and elbow him. “Go to sleep.”

“I’m trying, but my sleeping buddy doesn’t stop talking.”

I giggle again. “Good night, Johnny.”

“Good night, Bex.”

In the morning, I wake up with Johnny’s strong arms around me. All that talk of staying on my side of the bed, and he is essentially sleeping on top of me.

But I like it.

And I don’t want to move from his warm embrace.

Unfortunately, the booth won’t open itself, so I crawl out of his tight bear hug and get ready for the day.

And the day is booming busy. Half the pumpkin rims sell before lunch, and the other half after lunch.

Johnny nurtures his hangover. Coffee, water, and as little sun and people as possible. He’s basically a little baby hanging out in the corner all morning. By midafternoon, he emerges just as Otto arrives. The two of them spend the rest of the day chatting and catching up with locals. It’s nice to see them getting along. It’s nice to see them together. Even if they won’t admit it, I know they’ve missed one another.

After last night’s disaster, the vendors parted with their paint guns and decided spending another night in the tents wasn’t a great idea.

“You coming to the magic show?” Coco stops by the booth as I zip up the tent doors.

Johnny left with Otto earlier. He carried a few things to his truck. I’m surprised he didn’t run back to help me close. I’m even a tad disappointed when I shouldn’t be.

“I think I’m going to skip the magic show.” A long hot bath and crawling under my own sheets beckon me.

“Pulling a Billie,” Coco teases. Her flowing floral kimono gives her outfit a bohemian style.

I laugh. “Yeah, she owes me. Big time.”
