Page 43 of Her Wild Ride

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“I read a lot of things in your columns. For example, I know you use this eco-friendly and biodegradable soap to prevent harming the environment.”


“I also read that a walk through nature is your second preferred way to clear your head. Riding being your first.”

“Also correct.”

I dunk my head back into the water and rinse the shampoo out of my hair. Johnny does the same before he submerges himself in the water.

The small body of water between us ripples. The sky casts a golden blaze over us as the sun is quickly dipping beyond the horizon. The fleeting colors of dusk are beginning to fade away.

He breaks the surface of the water, standing waist-deep, beautiful and sexy. He tilts his head back and runs his fingers through his hair.

“Tell me about your life, Bex. What have you been doing since I left?” He lowers himself into the water.

“I graduated college, and afterward, I moved back to Cinnamon Bay. I moved in above Spice it Up temporarily. I had originally planned to buy a house on the water. But the years passed, and I still haven’t.”

“Why not?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I was busy working, and I manage the market. Life just went on, and I stayed put.” I chew on my lower lip. “My life isn’t a big adventure like yours. I don’t have a lot of stories to tell.”

“You live in the Bay. I’m sure you have dozens of interesting stories every single day.” He’s right. There’s always something going on in our small town. But that’s other folks' adventures. “My adventures are limited to an outdoor movie night on the green with my sisters. There are no motorcycle rides to waterfalls while the sun sets.”

“It’s never too late to create adventures. If that’s what you want.” He glides away from me as if he’s baiting me or daring me to step out of my comfort zone.

My entire life, I’ve played it safe. It’s hard to believe with Billie being my best friend. But I ground her, and she accepts me. I’ve always liked my comfort zone, but I also enjoy the way I feel when I’m with Johnny. Ten years ago. A week ago. I want to live on the edge. Even if it’s only for the weekend. Even if he’s leaving again. Because he will. Johnny doesn’t stick around. The adult in me knows that, accepts it, and finds peace in the realization. So what’s the harm in enjoying him while he’s here. Taking a risk. Living on the edge.

“I like adventure.” I drift toward him.

“Do you?” He stops.

Darkness has fallen on us. It heightens my senses and elevates the thrill and risk.

“Yes.” I stop in front of him. “And I have the perfect tour guide.”

His eyes darken and narrow on me. “I am at your beck and call. There’s a waterfall we could jump from.”

I slowly shake my head. “I was thinking we could stay in the water.”

His arm reaches out, and his finger gently runs down my cheek. “And what kind of adventures are there if we stay in the water?”

“If I have to tell you, I’m not sure you’re right for the job.”

His hand cups my neck, and in a fluid motion, he glides through the water directly in front of me, somehow without touching me. “I’ve never had a woman in a watering hole with me.” His lips gently graze mine. “This will be an adventure for me too.”

I smile against his mouth. “I like that.”

“So do I.” His mouth covers mine.The hot and steamy kiss sends desire pulsing through my veins. My arms coil around his neck. One of his arms circles my waist. His other hand threads his fingers in my hair, taking the kiss deeper. His bare erection presses against me, hard as steel. Our kisses are aggressive and hungry. By the time we come up for air, we’re breathless and panting.

He trails kisses down my jaw. “Let’s take this to the shore.” His voice is raw and husky and delicious. “I’ll get a blanket and then I can kiss every last inch of you.”

I push my arms between us. “Not so fast.” I glide backward through the water.

“Fuck, woman.” He scrubs his hands over his face. “I will haul you over my shoulder and carry you out.”

“You have to catch me first.” I dunk under the water and swim in the direction of the waterfall. When I surface, I hear Johnny swimming behind me. My feet can touch the rocky bottom again. I rise and the cool air nips my wet skin. I walk to the base of the magnificent waterfall, uncomfortably aware the top of my bare butt cheeks are on display. The thrill of stepping out of my comfort zone pushes me along.

Frogs croak nearby. The gentle swoosh, plunk, and hiss sound more like a thunderclap at this close range.
